Theodor Tolstoy ( January 12, 2018 at 9:24 PM
If I understand the description correctly, the things in scope for this ticket are finished.There are no blocking issues either
Cate Boerema October 7, 2017 at 12:23 PM
Blocked from testing by and
Marc Johnson September 11, 2017 at 11:00 AM
Apologies I could've made it clearer that my list included both properties in the text and in the sketches, that had made it into further issues. Thank you for making it more explicit in the issue itself that these were out of scope.
Cate Boerema September 4, 2017 at 2:35 PM
Thanks, . I actually didn't mention any of those out in the story text because I assumed they would be out of scope for now. I really should have explicitly said they were out of scope for this issue to avoid confusion. Let me add that to the story (and do that for all issues going forward - I don't know why I failed to here!)
Marc Johnson September 4, 2017 at 1:37 PM
Following the call, I've been through the request issue (, and ) and here is a summary of the differences I'm aware of.
Items don’t currently have:
Author (I think this might be the only one that I saw in the text of the issues)
Call Number
Shelving Location (I believe Kurt is currently working on this)
Purpose: To begin work on item Requests in FOLIO.
As a circulation staff person
I want to be able to view a request
So I can see key details of the request
Given the Requests app
When a request is selected
The view mode/preview pane should display as shown in the attached wireframes
In scope for this story:
Request type
Item info section
Item barcode - Link to view item record
Item title - Will add link to view title record when we have title records in FOLIO. For now just plain text.
Shelving location - In scope only if we have implemented it (still in progress at the moment)
Loaned to - Link to user record
Patron group
Request details section
Request expiration date
Hold shelf expiration date
Requester info section
Requester name - Link to view user record
Patron group
Fulfillment preference
Out of scope for this story:
Item info section
Call number
Requests - Link in Current Loans section
Requester info section
Pickup location