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1 minScribeAll

Ingolf Kuss Julian Ladisch is next, followed by Julian Ladisch Ingolf Kuss (Julian and Ingolf have swapped)

Reminder:  Please copy/paste the Zoom chat into the notes.  If you miss it, this is saved along with the meeting recording, but having it here has benefits.

5-10 minLiaison Updates
  • CC: Maccabee Levine
    • Continued discussion about AWS cost increases, especially due to Eureka.  ACRG will present at next CC meeting on 9/9.
    • Agenda(s) for CC and cross-council meetings at WOLFcon.
  • PC: Tod Olson
    • Discussion of module review process, moved out of pilot into accepted
  • RMS Group:
    • CSP release cadence: Release on demand (not fixed 2 week or 4 week cadence)
    • Stay on Spring Boot 3.3 for Ramsons
      • Upgrade to 3.4 in Sunflower. This means we'd be unsupported for some period of time. If we're lucky and there aren't any Critical/High security vulnerabilities in these frameworks, all is good. However, if there are, we would be in the position where now we need to get teams to drop what their doing and upgrade unexpectedly, backporting the changes to Ramsons. 
      • Upgrade Ramsons to 3.4 if there's a security vulnerability between 2025-05-23 (End of Support of Spring Boot 3.3) and Trillium release Q4 2025 (= End of Support of Ramsons); this results in a huge CSP and requires extensive testing
    • TC - review possibility to get enterprise support from Spring Framework

    • Reserve time in Trillium to upgrade to version 3.5

      • This requires (milestone or) release candidate versions of Spring Boot for FOLIO bug fest if Trillium bug fest starts November 2025 or earlier.
  • Security Team: 
    • ongoing triage of potential vulnerabilities
    • Jiras gets unembargoed when closed (when fixed or security group approves as not affected).
  • Tri-council Application Formalization:  
    • Discussion of impact of dual okapi/eureka envs on cost and what exit from okapi in community envs would require
    • Discussion of application spreadsheets created by Charlotte and Kirstin
    • Discussion of WolfCon session
1 minUpcoming MeetingsAll
  •  - Regular TC Meeting
  •  - Dedicated Discussion: Refine the OST process to ensure better coordination between SysOps and the TC
  •  - US holiday (regular TC meeting moved to Wed)
  •  - Regular TC Meeting
  •  - Regular TC Meeting
  •  - Dedicated discussion: Continuation of architectural decision-making discussion
5 minTCR Board ReviewAll
  • mod-marc-migrations working on game plan
  • tcr-42 waiting on PC approval
  • tcr-45 moved to Ingolf Kuss via rotation
5 min

Technical Council Sub-Groups Updates


1 minRFCs



  • Review of open items, such as the need for decision log records and the application of the "Go" RFC.
1 minDecision LogAll

Need to log decisions for the following:  (see above)

  • Discussions on the necessity of a Wednesday meeting to address the OST process and involvement of Sysops.
25 min

Officially Supported Technologies (OST)


Check Recurring Calendar

  • Discuss message in #tech-council from Julian Ladisch...
    • Spring Boot 3.4 and Spring Framework 6.2 for Ramsons
    • 3.3 ends before Ramsons support period ends, using 3.4 would prevent this. Right now there is a milestone version, RC by bugfest and final in November. Would need to be communicated early to the development groups. But the final would be after code freeze, would have to use RC.
    • Would upgrade to milestone version, around  bugfest go to RC then after bugfest to release, so three times, teams might opt to not do all three
    • CSP might be easier to handle for teams than doing it during bugfest
    • What would happen in the CSP? 3.3 to 3.4. Could be higher risk to do a minor version upgrade that requires small changes
    • Going to GA on an RC of spring boot seems odd. but by the time we get to GA both versions unsupported
    • RC probably has the majority of changes that the spring boot GA would have. If we do non-RC and aCSP then all the spring boot changes go out in a CSP, which is a lot of new spring boot stuff to not be tested
    • Incrementing a point in a CSP seems like too much
    • When we deploy CSP to bugfest we do smoke test
    • Some modules on separate branch have upgraded as PoC
    • Might want to talk with RMS more about CSP approach
    • Frame options for RMS meeting on the 26th
  • Work on Sunflower page on Monday the 26th
Time PermittingReference Data Upgrade

Status of this?

Hold until after Aug 2.

In the Sys Ops SIG meeting the topic of Reference Data Upgrades came up. The SIG thinks that the solution of this problem for mod-inventory-storage is not enough, but that this problem needs to be solved in a general way, for all modules.

There has been a long discussion 3-4 years ago about how FOLIO should handle reference data upon upgrades. See these links for background:

Previous Notes:

Background and Problem Statement

  • The issue at hand involves the handling of reference data during system upgrades. In previous upgrades, some institutions experienced data loss where customized reference data was overwritten by default settings during the upgrade process.
  • This problem was particularly highlighted in recent upgrade cycles, prompting a need for a more robust solution to preserve institution-specific customizations.

Existing Solutions and Approaches

  • Circulation Module Example:

    • The circulation module had addressed this issue by implementing a solution where reference data is only installed during the initial setup and skipped in subsequent upgrades unless new data is introduced in the upgrade. This approach prevents the overwriting of existing customized data.
    • The TC discussed whether this solution could be standardized and applied across other modules facing similar issues.
  • Challenges with Current Approach:

    • While the circulation module's solution is effective for preserving existing data, it does not account for scenarios where the reference data schema changes in new versions (e.g., adding new fields or making structural changes). In such cases, simply skipping the installation might not be sufficient, and more complex handling might be required.

Discussion Points

  • Standardization Across Modules:
    • The TC debated whether a similar approach should be mandated across all modules to ensure consistency and prevent data loss during upgrades. However, it was noted that this might require module-specific adjustments, depending on how each module manages its reference data.
  • Need for a Broader Solution:
    • There was recognition that a broader, more flexible solution might be necessary to handle various scenarios, such as changes in reference data structures. This could involve more sophisticated checks during the upgrade process to determine whether and how data should be updated or preserved.

Potential Actions

  • Subgroup Formation:
    • The idea of forming a new subgroup to focus on developing a comprehensive strategy for reference data handling during upgrades was floated. This subgroup could explore creating an RFC (Request for Comments) to propose a standardized approach across the project.
  • Review of Previous Work:
    • It was suggested that before moving forward, the TC should review previous efforts and discussions on this topic, including past proposals and proof-of-concept work that may have stalled due to resource constraints. This review would help ensure that any new efforts build on previous work rather than starting from scratch.

Next Steps

  • Further Discussion:
    • The TC agreed to revisit this discussion in the next meeting, with members encouraged to review past work and consider whether they are interested in participating in a potential subgroup. The goal would be to establish a clear path forward for managing reference data during upgrades across all modules.


  • ...
NAZoom Chat
