- Scrum Master - Onboarding tips
- Add Release Stories to applicable sprint
- Schedule 2-3 meetings a quarter with POs (+Cate when applicable) to review quarterly features (Vega Feature board: https://issues.folio.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=99)
- Ensure all POs add input to Retro boards and is aware of next steps - Vega - Retrospective / Action Plan/ Best practices list
- Ensure team adds labels to stories to be demoed for a sprint demo
- Conduct periodic review of team's Definition of Done
- PO Lead and Scrum master must work together to address blockers. If a story has been in 3 sprints then we have a problem....
- Vega is a unique team with multiple POs. PO Lead and Scrum-master must coordinate on making the call to POs for requirements. Team wants several days to review requirements prior to grooming.
- Prioritizes the list of stories for grooming.
- PO lead or Scrum master post the stories for grooming on #vega slack channel.
- Remind team( including POs) to add Release notes - Cross Release NotesStatistics
- See bugfest for handling hot fixes
- In planning sprints, try to have smaller items scheduled for the sprint of a release. Not always possible but it ensures that critical features are complete and not half complete.