App | Description | Comments/notes | Product Owner |
mod-consortia | Backend module that enables workflow collaboration between FOLIO tenants | Not included in FOLIO platform complete | |
ui-consortia-settings | UI module that surfaces workflow collaboration functionality in FOLIO systems with mod-consortia enabled | Not included in FOLIO platform complete | mod-lists | Backend module responsible for persisting the metadata and the contents (IDs) of lists. | ui-lists | UI module that is used to create and manage Lists which are queries across multiple modules (for example: find all items marked as missing or declared lost, or find all open loans assigned to inactive users. | mod-fqm-manager | FQM (FOLIO query machine) is the engine that takes in queries, processes queries, and provides answers. FQM consolidates data from different modules within FOLIO in real time, allowing users to conduct cross-application searches efficiently. |
edge-fqm | Provides an ability to retrieve query and entity type information from FOLIO. | The purpose of this edge API is to bridge the gap between 3rd party discovery services and FOLIO mod-fqm-manager module. | |
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