- Save button not always enabled when saving roles to multiple affiliationsUIU-3331Ryan Berger
- Make pop up windows moveableUIU-3330
- SPIKE: Implement support for loans without item for Loan DetailUIU-3329Resolved issue: UIU-3329Artem Blazhko
- migrate react-intl to v7UIU-3328Resolved issue: UIU-3328Nikolai_Litvinenko
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUIU-3327Resolved issue: UIU-3327Nikolai_Litvinenko
- migrate to shared GA workflowsUIU-3326Resolved issue: UIU-3326
- Pronouns Field - Character Limit WarningUIU-3324Resolved issue: UIU-3324Amelia Sutton
- SPIKE: Implement support for loans without item for Loan DetailUIU-3319Resolved issue: UIU-3319Artem Blazhko
- "Expiration date" is not set from patron group when non-default locale is appliedUIU-3318Nikolai_Litvinenko
- Ramsons (Eureka): Error with preregistration create/merge actionUIU-3315Resolved issue: UIU-3315Irina Pokhylets
- ECS | "Affiliations" accordion should not be displayed on patron user details paneUIU-3314
- Release v11.0.11 (Ramsons Bug Fix R2 2024)UIU-3313Resolved issue: UIU-3313Dmitriy Litvinenko
- EditContactInfo does not supply unique key for preferredEmailCommunicationOptionsUIU-3312Resolved issue: UIU-3312Zak Burke
- Patron block is not triggered automaticallyUIU-3311Resolved issue: UIU-3311Alexander Kurash
- Missing permissionsUIU-3309Resolved issue: UIU-3309Dmitriy Litvinenko
- [Eureka] Hide an affiliation accordion for system usersUIU-3308Azizjon Nurov
- SPIKE: Return appropriate error message when item for manual fee/fine can't be foundUIU-3307Resolved issue: UIU-3307Artem Blazhko
- Ramsons BF ReleaseUIU-3306Resolved issue: UIU-3306Nikolai_Litvinenko
- Testing of LC patron registration Part 2 - changes in External system IDUIU-3304Resolved issue: UIU-3304Irina Pokhylets
- Layout of FOLIO existing user records with matching email is shifted on first openUIU-3303
- Create/Edit a Patron Block - HTML page title follow this format - <<App name>> - <<selected page name>> - FOLIOUIU-3302Resolved issue: UIU-3302Uladzislau Kutarkin
- Improve capability sets for role assignment/unassignmentUIU-3301Resolved issue: UIU-3301Craig McNally
- Fix wrong design pattern for "Create block" buttonUIU-3300Resolved issue: UIU-3300Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Release Ramsons BugfixUIU-3299Resolved issue: UIU-3299Tetiana Gusar
- Permissions are not loaded right after assigning all permissions to newly created userUIU-3298
- Release v11.0.8UIU-3297Resolved issue: UIU-3297Artem Blazhko
- Missing permissions to add manual blockUIU-3305Resolved issue: UIU-3305Amelia Sutton
- "Patron preregistration record results" page is smashed on re-openUIU-3292
- Permissions error when adding a Fee-Fine via the User's app and Check-in.UIU-3291Resolved issue: UIU-3291Artem Blazhko
- Release v11.0.7UIU-3289Resolved issue: UIU-3289Artem Blazhko
- Update permission after BE permission changesUIU-3288Resolved issue: UIU-3288Dmitriy Litvinenko
- "Address type" of existing address changes when another address is addedUIU-3287
- Release R BugfixUIU-3284Resolved issue: UIU-3284Tetiana Gusar
- Permission loading failed error when editing a user without permission edit privilegesUIU-3283
- [Eureka bugfest] "Create block" button is disabled on "Users" appUIU-3280Resolved issue: UIU-3280Dima Tkachenko
- Cannot view roles from other tenants in user detailed viewUIU-3279Resolved issue: UIU-3279Zak Burke
- German Reminder Fees. Batch print jobs can't be deletedUIU-3278Resolved issue: UIU-3278Mike Taylor
- Email is not sent when resetting password or using "Forgot username?" linkUIU-3277Resolved issue: UIU-3277
- Some keyboard shortcuts listed twice in Users AppUIU-3276Resolved issue: UIU-3276
- Update permission checksUIU-3275Resolved issue: UIU-3275Tetiana Gusar
- User with minimal required capabilities cannot delete a userUIU-3282Resolved issue: UIU-3282Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- SPIKE: Investigate issue with adding/removing user permissionsUIU-3274Resolved issue: UIU-3274Artem Blazhko
- Re-check and update subpermissions after Eureka Permissions updateUIU-3272Resolved issue: UIU-3272Priyanka Terala
- New User Creation - Save & close button begins activeUIU-3270
- Eureka - ECS - Users - 400 error in case admin trying to create new userUIU-3273Resolved issue: UIU-3273Aidyn Zhakizhanov
- German Reminder Fees. Batch print jobs only display 10 jobsUIU-3269Resolved issue: UIU-3269Mike Taylor
- German Reminder Fees. Batch print jobs only display 10 jobsUIU-3268Resolved issue: UIU-3268Mike Taylor
- DOMPurify import is incorrectUIU-3267Resolved issue: UIU-3267Zak Burke
- User can not open "Open loans" pageUIU-3271Resolved issue: UIU-3271Priyanka Terala
- User: Field "Date enrolled" showing 1 day earlier in View than EditUIU-3264Nikolai_Litvinenko
50 of
When using postgreSQL in Inventory we had the Query search functionality. Now having elastic search we need to implement the same functionality but now using Elasticsearch, allowing users to be able to conduct a search across all properties of all instance, holdings and item
create an additional search option that will cover search by all properties from all inventory record types (instance, holdings, item):
instance field values
holding-record field values
item field values
all field values
Login to FOLIO Snapshot as user Diku_admin
Select the instance segment (or holdings segment or item segment)
When viewing the drop down list
Then the search option All is displayed above Query Search
In the back end then this search option is: cql.allItems all
When the search option All is displayed in the search box
and entering the value you want to search for, e.g. missing
Then search across all three record types, using the BE functionality implemented and get the results for all record types, where there is a data value 'missing'
Accepted limitation:
Relevancy ranking
Highlighting the match for the searched string within the record
Acceptance criteria:
Implement search options for performing search requests for all field values from instances, items, holding-records
UI test must be added