- TLS: Bulk Edit Instance Record - 20k records – commit failed with errorBF-1081
- Eureka Ramsons Bugfest cluster with TLS enabled - testing resultsBF-1080
- Authority record message doesn't appear in Kafka topicBF-1079Resolved issue: BF-1079Maksym Sinichenko
- Ramsons Bugfest Eureka (ECS, non-ECS) - triggering bulk edit with list of identifiers fails.BF-1078Resolved issue: BF-1078Kuzma Rezchenko
- Mediated Requests UI App should be available only on Secure tenantBF-1076Resolved issue: BF-1076
- Fix problem with SSO login on Eureka BF environmentBF-1075Resolved issue: BF-1075
- (Eureka R BF) Data import jobs stuckBF-1074Resolved issue: BF-1074Kuzma Rezchenko
- (Eureka BF AQA) Error when creating eHoldings KBBF-1073Resolved issue: BF-1073Artem Akimov
- Need DB access of Ramsons ECS or Ramsons Eureka ECS or import data from these env into our Volaris Rancher.BF-1072Resolved issue: BF-1072Eldiiar Duishenaliev
- Deploy module mod-requests-mediated from branchBF-1071Resolved issue: BF-1071Maksym Sinichenko
- Eureka - non-ECS Bulk edit job fails with "Socket closed" errorBF-1070
- Eureka - non-ECS Bulk edit job stuck in progress with 100%BF-1069
- Change resource allocation for high loaded sidecarsBF-1068Resolved issue: BF-1068Artem Akimov
- Ramsons OKAPI Bufest envionment - performance degradationBF-1067Resolved issue: BF-1067Eldiiar Duishenaliev
- Switch mod-inventory to ASA supported mode on eureka bugfestBF-1066Resolved issue: BF-1066Artem Akimov
- Enabling system user on rancher environmentsBF-1065Resolved issue: BF-1065Eldiiar Duishenaliev
- Reproduce migration to Eureka platform issuesBF-1062Resolved issue: BF-1062
- Error when placing a title level holdBF-1061Resolved issue: BF-1061
- [Eureka Bugfest] - Create one more tenant for AQA teamBF-1060Resolved issue: BF-1060Artem Akimov
- Eureka | Admin roles in all tenants do not contain all capabilitiesBF-1059Resolved issue: BF-1059NinaChistova
- Provision a copy of Ramsons/Eureka Bufgest for Eureka teamBF-1058Resolved issue: BF-1058
- [Eureka BF] Update reference data for mod-inventory-storageBF-1057Resolved issue: BF-1057Artem Akimov
- Deploy updated Mediated Requests applications to Eureka R BugfestBF-1055Resolved issue: BF-1055Artem Akimov
- Job summary fails to open in Data import app for new jobsBF-1054Resolved issue: BF-1054
- Update reference data for mod-inventory-storageBF-1053Resolved issue: BF-1053Eldiiar Duishenaliev
- Remove invalid Authority records from the eureka bugfest envrionmentBF-1052Resolved issue: BF-1052Artem Akimov
- Change source for invalid Authority records on the eureka-bugfest environmentBF-1050Resolved issue: BF-1050Artem Akimov
- Enable new Kong routes management on e-dev env and re-create Kong routesBF-1048Resolved issue: BF-1048Eldiiar Duishenaliev
- Enable app-reading-room for non-ECS environmentsBF-1047
- Enable new Kong routes management on Bugfest and re-create Kong routesBF-1046Resolved issue: BF-1046Maksym Sinichenko
- "Reading room access" is not present on Eureka non-ECS BugfestBF-1045Resolved issue: BF-1045
- Verify and create if needed indexes on Eureka Bugfest environment for mod-source-record-storage for specific tenantBF-1042Resolved issue: BF-1042Artem Akimov
- ECS Eureka | Some tenants are not enabledBF-1041Resolved issue: BF-1041
- (Eureka R BF ECS) "LC Subject Headings (LCSH)" authority source file is absent on member tenantBF-1040Resolved issue: BF-1040
- [Eureka ECS bugfest]: Possible regression checking in items in Central tenantBF-1039Resolved issue: BF-1039Roman Barannyk
- Create index on Bugfest Ramsons env for mod-source-record-storage for specific tenant - "idx_marc_records_tracking_dirty"BF-1038Resolved issue: BF-1038Eldiiar Duishenaliev
- [Eureka ECS - OPAC requesting only] Item level requesting is failing edge-patronBF-1036Oleksandr Vidinieiev
- (Eureka Bugfest) Check in / Check out for non-admin user fails with "check-in-by-barcode" / "check-out-by-barcode" 500 responseBF-1044
- Create TLS copy of Eureka Ramsons BugfestBF-1035Resolved issue: BF-1035Artem Akimov
- Patron block is not triggered automatically (OKAPI)BF-1033Alexander Kurash
- Placing a request using a specific pickup location is failingBF-1031
- Update sidecars of mod-inventory, mod-inventory-storage, mod-data-export-worker with a version built from issue: BF-1030Maksym Sinichenkom
- Reinstall mod-data-import at Okapi Ramsons BFBF-1028Resolved issue: BF-1028Eldiiar Duishenaliev
- Run reindex of instances on okapi Ramsons Bugfest envsBF-1025Resolved issue: BF-1025Eldiiar Duishenaliev
- Data import job is stuck in "Running" columnBF-1024Resolved issue: BF-1024
- Create Bugfest Ramsons schema on Rancher environmentBF-1023Resolved issue: BF-1023Eldiiar Duishenaliev
- Bugfest Ramsons (Eureka single tenant): Inventory > In transit items report creation fails with error messageBF-1022
- Re-create index on Bugfest Ramsons env for mod-source-record-storage for specific tenantBF-1021Resolved issue: BF-1021Eldiiar Duishenaliev
- Run reindex of instances on Eureka Ramsons Bugfest envsBF-1020Resolved issue: BF-1020Kuzma Rezchenko
- Run reindex of MARC authority records on Okapi Ramsons Bugfest environmentsBF-1018Resolved issue: BF-1018Eldiiar Duishenaliev
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