- Release v11.0.0UIEUS-405Resolved issue: UIEUS-405Tino R.
- Update text in upload form for manual upload for COUNTER 5.1UIEUS-404Resolved issue: UIEUS-404Stefan Dombek
- NFR: Improvement of the upload form for manual upload of COUNTER files to prevent format exceptionsUIEUS-403Stefan Dombek
- NFR: Improved behavior of the application for reports with empty result (0-Reports)UIEUS-402Stefan Dombek
- Overview of the current status of all active UDPsUIEUS-401Stefan Dombek
- Ensure Pretty-Printed JSON Format for Downloaded ReportsUIEUS-400
- Counter 5.1: Wrong report type 'PR_1'UIEUS-399Resolved issue: UIEUS-399Stefan Dombek
- Checking the current status of the COUNTER_SUSHI API serviceUIEUS-398
- Manual upload of COUNTER 5.1 reports as XLSXUIEUS-397
- Manual upload of COUNTER 5.1 reports as CSVUIEUS-396
- Manual upload of COUNTER 5.1 reports as TSVUIEUS-395
- COUNTER 5.1 Support: Manual upload COUNTER 5.1 reports for usage data providersUIEUS-394
- migrate react-intl to v7UIEUS-393Resolved issue: UIEUS-393Viola E.
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUIEUS-392Resolved issue: UIEUS-392Viola E.
- Search Add filter for status of UDP data recordUIEUS-391Stefan Dombek
- Status active or inactive for UDP data recordsUIEUS-390Stefan Dombek
- NFR: Service Busy (CoP 1010)UIEUS-389Stefan Dombek
- Harvesting not possible for multiple release versionsUIEUS-388Resolved issue: UIEUS-388Tino R.
- Migrate settings from mod-configuration to mod-settingsUIEUS-387
- Use keywords search for UDPs searchUIEUS-386Resolved issue: UIEUS-386
- "ui-erm-usage.view" permission has a name in UI different from displayNameUIEUS-385Resolved issue: UIEUS-385Tino R.
- Remove harvester function for COUNTER 4UIEUS-384Stefan Dombek
- Release v10.0.0UIEUS-382Resolved issue: UIEUS-382Viola E.
- Add support for interface custom-reports 2.0UIEUS-381Resolved issue: UIEUS-381Tino R.
- Adjust permissions and to interface erm-usage-harvester 2.0UIEUS-380Resolved issue: UIEUS-380Tino R.
- Adjust permissions / interface versionsUIEUS-379Resolved issue: UIEUS-379Tino R.
- Update counter-reports interface to 4.0UIEUS-378Resolved issue: UIEUS-378Tino R.
- Leverage yarn.lockUIEUS-377Resolved issue: UIEUS-377Tino R.
- Incorrect heading when confirming deletion of a single counter reportUIEUS-376Resolved issue: UIEUS-376Viola E.
- Delete multiple reports: Show the COUNTER release version for reports in an additional columnUIEUS-375Resolved issue: UIEUS-375Viola E.
- Search: Add filter for COUNTER report releaseUIEUS-374Resolved issue: UIEUS-374Stefan Dombek
- Search: Add filter for HTTP error codesUIEUS-373Stefan Dombek
- The open props in ReportInfoButton should not be undefinedUIEUS-372Resolved issue: UIEUS-372Viola E.
- NFR: Report queued for Processing (CoP 1011)UIEUS-371Stefan Dombek
- Update to usage-data-providers 3.0UIEUS-370Resolved issue: UIEUS-370Viola E.
- Change of report type options within the multi-month COUNTER statistics download featureUIEUS-369Resolved issue: UIEUS-369Viola E.
- COUNTER statistics: Show the COUNTER release version for reports in an additional columnUIEUS-368Resolved issue: UIEUS-368Viola E.
- NFR: Harvester checks the connection to the endpoint (HTTP status codes)UIEUS-367Stefan Dombek
- Detail view is cutted on right hand sideUIEUS-366Resolved issue: UIEUS-366Stefan Dombek
- Repeated fields in overview for keyboard shortcutsUIEUS-365Resolved issue: UIEUS-365Stefan Dombek
- Display the overview of keyboard shortcuts using the combination Ctrl+Alt+kUIEUS-364Resolved issue: UIEUS-364Stefan Dombek
- Informations about exceptions in harvester logsUIEUS-363Stefan Dombek
- ui-erm-usage: Use functional components instead of class componentsUIEUS-362Resolved issue: UIEUS-362Viola E.
- Broken testUIEUS-360Resolved issue: UIEUS-360Viola E.
- COUNTER 5.1 Support: Download stored COUNTER 5.1 reports as CSV and XLSXUIEUS-359Resolved issue: UIEUS-359Stefan Dombek
- Manual upload of COUNTER 5.1 reports as JSONUIEUS-358Resolved issue: UIEUS-358Stefan Dombek
- COUNTER 5.1 Support: Harvesting configuration for usage data providersUIEUS-357Resolved issue: UIEUS-357Stefan Dombek
- File path support for non-COUNTER reportsUIEUS-356Resolved issue: UIEUS-356Viola E.
- React v19: refactor away from default props for functional componentsUIEUS-355Resolved issue: UIEUS-355Viola E.
- Release ui-erm-usage v9.0.0 Quesnelia BugFix Release (R1 2024)UIEUS-354Resolved issue: UIEUS-354
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