- SRS MARC Query API part 2UXPROD-2940Resolved issue: UXPROD-2940Jenn Colt
- Loan: Claimed Returned - SET COST Fee/Fine work for R2 2021 (Juniper)UXPROD-2918Resolved issue: UXPROD-2918Holly Mistlebauer
- Create FOLIO internal Elasticsearch APIsUXPROD-2807Resolved issue: UXPROD-2807Magda Zacharska
- Create Elasticsearch indexes for Inventory searchUXPROD-2806Resolved issue: UXPROD-2806Magda Zacharska
- SRS MARC Query APIUXPROD-2791Resolved issue: UXPROD-2791Jenn Colt
- Item statuses: Unavailable, Unknown Intellectual, In process - non requestable, Long missing, RestrictedUXPROD-2699Resolved issue: UXPROD-2699Charlotte Whitt
- Remote Storage Integration (Dematic thin thread)UXPROD-2696Resolved issue: UXPROD-2696Stephanie Buck
- Loan: Claimed Returned - AGED TO LOST Fee/Fine work for SET COSTUXPROD-2574Resolved issue: UXPROD-2574Holly Mistlebauer
- Add a separate 'Items aged to lost after overdue X <interval>' setting for recalled itemsUXPROD-2449Resolved issue: UXPROD-2449Holly Mistlebauer
- Export batch vouchers based on schedule settingsUXPROD-2417Dennis Bridges
- Export orders in bulk via delimited file formatUXPROD-2318Resolved issue: UXPROD-2318Dennis Bridges
- Loan: Claimed Returned - SET COST Fee/Fine work for R1 2021 (Iris)UXPROD-2247Resolved issue: UXPROD-2247Holly Mistlebauer
- Holdings: Display of POL number, Order status, Order date and Price in the Acquisition accordionUXPROD-1925Resolved issue: UXPROD-1925Dennis Bridges
- Allow for override of patron blocksUXPROD-1130Resolved issue: UXPROD-1130Darcy Branchini
- Import invoice in EDIFACT format (Folijet work)UXPROD-195Resolved issue: UXPROD-195Ann-Marie Breaux
- Renew orders in FOLIO from EBSCONETUXPROD-190Resolved issue: UXPROD-190Dennis Bridges
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This feature holds the story for more advanced MARC queries split into R2 or R3.
Current situation or problem:
Given FOLIO doesn't yet support searching of MARC records in source record storage (SRS), this feature would provide an API that FOLIO implementers could use to query MARC. The API could be used for a variety of different purposes, such as identifying records for export, updates, and clean up. It could also, eventually, be used to support UI(s) for searching MARC within FOLIO, but that UI is out of scope for this feature. This feature will NOT use elastic search, implementation details to come.
In scope
Allow for search based on the presence or absence of a field, subfield, indicator, or fixed field position
Allow for date range search based on dates present in a subfield
Allow consumers to search new and/or local MARC tags and have them indexed appropriately
Out of scope
A search UI for MARC data
Searching inventory data
Use case(s)
Searching MARC data in order to identify records for data export
Searching MARC data in order to match records to be updated with data import
Searching MARC data as part of ETL clean up processes that libraries run to main data quality
Searching MARC data to identify records in cases where only examination of the MARC allows accurate selection of records