- Implement baseline shortcut keysUXPROD-2891Khalilah Gambrell
- For instance: Navigation via tab between indicatorsUXPROD-1690Resolved issue: UXPROD-1690Tiziana Possemato
- Keyboard Navigation | New/Edit Record | Change focus to first fieldUIU-1973Resolved issue: UIU-1973Stephanie Buck
- Keyboard navigation | Easier way to get to the results list | Hitting search button moves focus to results pane headerUIU-1375Resolved issue: UIU-1375Rasmus Wølk
- Keyboard Navigation: Accessing open loans/closed loans list : Initial focus should be on an element on the pageUIU-1257Resolved issue: UIU-1257Javokhir Rajabboev
- Edit User Record : Using Enter key should Open Add Service points when focus is on the Add Service points buttonUIU-1256Resolved issue: UIU-1256Javokhir Rajabboev
- Edit User Record : Using Enter key should Save or Cancel changes IF in focusUIU-1252Resolved issue: UIU-1252Maxim Didenko
- Users App: When you access the app the focus should be in the Search boxUIU-1248Resolved issue: UIU-1248Anna Melnyk
- Last name should have focus/cursor for newly created userUIU-1162Resolved issue: UIU-1162
- Newly Created Address Record Should be In FocusUIU-1161Resolved issue: UIU-1161Javokhir Rajabboev
- Codex App: When you access the app the focus should be in the Search boxUISE-114Resolved issue: UISE-114
- Requests App: When you access the app the focus should be in the Search boxUIREQ-347Resolved issue: UIREQ-347Igor Godlevskyi
- Organization app: When you click the app icon on the lefthand side then the focus should be in the Search boxUIORGS-119
- Organization app: When you access the app the focus should be in the Search boxUIORGS-107Resolved issue: UIORGS-107Dennis Bridges
- Orders App: When you access the app the focus should be in the Search boxUIOR-388Resolved issue: UIOR-388Dennis Bridges
- Invoice: When you access the app the focus should be in the Search boxUINV-73Resolved issue: UINV-73Dennis Bridges
- Non-unique (aria) labels in search result rowsUILD-486Siarhei Karol
- Keyboard cannot move item to other holding by drag 'n' dropUIIN-1490Resolved issue: UIIN-1490Stephanie Buck
- Selection almost invisible when moving item to other holding by keyboard in FirefoxUIIN-1489Resolved issue: UIIN-1489
- Implement keyboard shortcuts in InventoryUIIN-1411Resolved issue: UIIN-1411Dennis Bridges
- Shift+Tab in instance/holding/item modal should wrap around to the endUIIN-1126Resolved issue: UIIN-1126Khalilah Gambrell
- Inventory App: When you access the app the focus should be in the Search boxUIIN-732Resolved issue: UIIN-732
- Resource title should have focus/cursor for newly created instanceUIIN-684Resolved issue: UIIN-684
- Finance: When you access the app the focus should be in the Search boxUIF-115Resolved issue: UIF-115Dennis Bridges
- eUsage app: When you access the app the focus should be in the Search boxUIEUS-111Resolved issue: UIEUS-111Richard Redweik
- eholdings App: When you access the app the focus should be in the Search boxUIEH-790Resolved issue: UIEH-790Khalilah Gambrell
- Hotkeys for Check outUICHKOUT-552Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-552Khalilah Gambrell
- Hotkeys for Check inUICHKIN-124Resolved issue: UICHKIN-124Khalilah Gambrell
- Newly Created Address Record Should be In FocusSTSMACOM-243Resolved issue: STSMACOM-243
- Keyboard Navigation: Create new record: Initial focus should be on pane header or first field/accordionSTRIPES-655
- Shortcut key: Easy way to get to the first result in a results listSTRIPES-651
- MultiColumnList keyboard navigation (Tab vs. cursor up/down)STCOR-384Resolved issue: STCOR-384
- Profile Dropdown Keyboard Navigation - Ability to navigate list using up/down arrowsSTCOR-383Resolved issue: STCOR-383John Coburn
- AppList pulldown: Navigate using cursor up/cursor downSTCOR-382Resolved issue: STCOR-382John Coburn
- a11y: Unable to navigate results in table navigation when using NVDA screenreader and ChromeSTCOM-597Resolved issue: STCOM-597John Coburn
- Keyboard navigation: Add result list navigation instructionsSTCOM-596
- Accordion open/close toggle keyboard interactionSTCOM-591Resolved issue: STCOM-591
- Ability to navigate MCL with keyboard onlySTCOM-459Resolved issue: STCOM-459John Coburn
- Newly Created Agreement Organization Record Should be In FocusERM-416Resolved issue: ERM-416Gill Osguthorpe
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