- Super-components: Structural ComponentsUXPROD-441Resolved issue: UXPROD-441John Coburn
- In-pane-gridUXPROD-437Resolved issue: UXPROD-437John Coburn
- Responsiveness: Other components responsiveUXPROD-436Resolved issue: UXPROD-436Khalilah Gambrell
- Responsiveness: Make overlay components (dropdowns, etc.) responsiveUXPROD-435Resolved issue: UXPROD-435Khalilah Gambrell
- Redundant Title Attributes for Images : AccessibilityUX-165Resolved issue: UX-165
- Revise Menu Items Text: AccessibilityUX-162Resolved issue: UX-162
- Results List Pagination: Accessibility issueUX-161Resolved issue: UX-161
- Users App: Implement Pane header dropdown on Detail RecordsUIU-754Resolved issue: UIU-754Khalilah Gambrell
- Users App: Set up BigTest infrastructureUIU-678Resolved issue: UIU-678Igor Godlevskyi
- Set up BigTest infrastructureUISE-90Resolved issue: UISE-90Yurii Danylenko
- Requests App: Set up BigTest infrastructureUIREQ-129Resolved issue: UIREQ-129Igor Godlevskyi
- Set up BigTest infrastructureUIIN-351Resolved issue: UIIN-351Wil Wilsman
- Search issuing two queries and two resolves instead of oneUIEH-556Resolved issue: UIEH-556Jeffrey Cherewaty
- Investigate coverage reporting for ui-checkin moduleUICHKIN-47Resolved issue: UICHKIN-47
- Show arrow indicating open/close with search iconSTSMACOM-133Resolved issue: STSMACOM-133Khalilah Gambrell
- Remove close pane action from Search & filter paneSTSMACOM-132Resolved issue: STSMACOM-132Jeffrey Cherewaty
- Do not use `title` attributes (smart components)STSMACOM-124Resolved issue: STSMACOM-124Jeffrey Cherewaty
- Add BigTest infrastructureSTSMACOM-122Resolved issue: STSMACOM-122Wil Wilsman
- "Loading state" buttonSTSMACOM-120Resolved issue: STSMACOM-120
- Document BigTest setup for UI modules: Port Nightmare Tests to BigTest documentationSTRIPES-575Resolved issue: STRIPES-575
- Document BigTest setup for UI modules: Stripes CLI and stripes-core helper documentationSTRIPES-574Resolved issue: STRIPES-574Wil Wilsman
- Document BigTest setup for UI modules: Mirage documentationSTRIPES-567Resolved issue: STRIPES-567Wil Wilsman
- Disable Notes - helper appSTRIPES-558Resolved issue: STRIPES-558Jeffrey Cherewaty
- Swap out stripes-form modal to use <ConfirmationModal>STFORM-3Resolved issue: STFORM-3
- Universal Header: Set alt attribute = "" for all app iconsSTCOR-274Resolved issue: STCOR-274Rasmus Wølk
- Universal Header: Remove title attribute for all app iconsSTCOR-268Resolved issue: STCOR-268Rasmus Wølk
- Deprecate reading i18n info from stripes god objectSTCOR-267Resolved issue: STCOR-267Jeffrey Cherewaty
- Make sure date and time tests always run on a consistent time zoneSTCOR-265Resolved issue: STCOR-265Wil Wilsman
- Run stripes-core webpack tests on JenkinsSTCOR-262Resolved issue: STCOR-262Jeffrey Cherewaty
- Do not use `title` attributes (stripes core)STCOR-259Resolved issue: STCOR-259Jeffrey Cherewaty
- Disable Notification - helper appSTCOR-257Resolved issue: STCOR-257Jeffrey Cherewaty
- Universal Header: Display all Apps dropdownSTCOR-256Resolved issue: STCOR-256Rasmus Wølk
- Universal Header: Make the selected app icon clickableSTCOR-255Resolved issue: STCOR-255Jeffrey Cherewaty
- Universal Header: Set alt attribute = "" for all app iconsSTCOR-253Resolved issue: STCOR-253Rasmus Wølk
- Add BigTest infrastructureSTCOR-251Resolved issue: STCOR-251Wil Wilsman
- SPIKE: Data density measurement documentSTCOR-242Resolved issue: STCOR-242John Coburn
- Add arrow icons for search buttonSTCOM-407Resolved issue: STCOM-407Anastasia Hahanova
- Inline validation messaging announced using any screenreader: Field Level Components OnlySTCOM-403Resolved issue: STCOM-403John Coburn
- Inventory: Implement Pane header dropdown on Items Detail RecordSTCOM-396Resolved issue: STCOM-396Khalilah Gambrell
- Use plus-sign icon instead of + character in intl stringsSTCOM-391Resolved issue: STCOM-391Jeffrey Cherewaty
- POC: Eject from Settings Smart ComponentSTCOM-387Resolved issue: STCOM-387Jeffrey Cherewaty
- Resize icon librarySTCOM-386Resolved issue: STCOM-386Jeffrey Cherewaty
- Select a color contrast tool: Ensure all Folio Apps are compliant with WCAG 2.0 A and AA Color Contrast RulesSTCOM-376Resolved issue: STCOM-376Khalilah Gambrell
- Requests: Implement Pane header dropdown on Detail RecordsSTCOM-374Resolved issue: STCOM-374Khalilah Gambrell
- Remove uses of withStripesSTCOM-357Resolved issue: STCOM-357Jeffrey Cherewaty
- SegmentedControl doesn't properly renderSTCOM-356Resolved issue: STCOM-356Jeffrey Cherewaty
- Add padding to default accordion contentSTCOM-355Resolved issue: STCOM-355Jeffrey Cherewaty
- Search forms need submit buttonSTCOM-354Resolved issue: STCOM-354Jeffrey Cherewaty
- Inventory: Implement Pane header dropdown on Instance and Holdings Detail RecordsSTCOM-353Resolved issue: STCOM-353Khalilah Gambrell
- Implement LARGE HEADLINE component on Show/Edit Detail RecordsSTCOM-352Resolved issue: STCOM-352Khalilah Gambrell
50 of 88
Fix versions
Development Team
Solution Architect
Parent Field Value
Parent Status
hideTestRail: Results
Estimation Notes and Assumptions
This is an umbrella feature that spans multiple concepts/components. Each will need their own story in STCOM. Will link Issues.
Analysis Estimate
Analysis Estimator
Front End Estimate
Front End Estimator
Front-End Confidence factor
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Other features address what is outlined.