- Link from Users to Requests Doesn't Work When User Barcode Has Been ChangedUIU-1370Resolved issue: UIU-1370Michal Kuklis
- Display cancellation reason on cancelled requestUIREQ-364Resolved issue: UIREQ-364Michal Kuklis
- Dedicated Request Queue Page with Reorder CapabilitiesUIREQ-112Resolved issue: UIREQ-112Michal Kuklis
- Holdings call number prefix and suffix not displayed in holdings accordion on Instance detailed recordUIIN-884Resolved issue: UIIN-884Matt Connolly
- Inventory search. Item segment. Search by using query languageUIIN-869Resolved issue: UIIN-869Michal Kuklis
- Inventory search. Holdings segment. Search by using query languageUIIN-868Resolved issue: UIIN-868Michal Kuklis
- Display effective location for item at the top of the item recordUIIN-863Resolved issue: UIIN-863Matt Connolly
- Inventory search. Item segment. List of search options - thin threadUIIN-849Resolved issue: UIIN-849Matt Connolly
- Inventory search. Holdings segment. List of search options - thin threadUIIN-848Resolved issue: UIIN-848Michal Kuklis
- Inventory search. Instance segment. Reorder search options - thin threadUIIN-847Resolved issue: UIIN-847Matt Connolly
- Instance record. Status updated date does not populate in detailed viewUIIN-846Resolved issue: UIIN-846Matt Connolly
- Filter item records by Material typeUIIN-777Resolved issue: UIIN-777Michal Kuklis
- Filter Item records by Item statusUIIN-771Resolved issue: UIIN-771Michal Kuklis
- Filter Item records by Suppress from discovery: YesUIIN-767Resolved issue: UIIN-767Matt Connolly
- Filter Holdings records by Suppress from discoveryUIIN-766Resolved issue: UIIN-766Matt Connolly
- Inventory search. Instance segment. Search by using query languageUIIN-724Resolved issue: UIIN-724Michal Kuklis
- UIIN-564: Switch to a dedicated index for "Keyword (title, contributor, identifier)" searchUIIN-717Resolved issue: UIIN-717Matt Connolly
- Holdings and item segment. Filter by the Holdings permanent location (in addition to effective - UIIN-199)UIIN-679Resolved issue: UIIN-679Matt Connolly
- Filter Instance records by Suppress in discovery and Staff suppressUIIN-289Resolved issue: UIIN-289Matt Connolly
- Filter by the effective locationUIIN-199Resolved issue: UIIN-199Matt Connolly
- Generate HRID for item recordMODINVSTOR-375Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-375Matt Reno
- Generate HRID for holdings recordMODINVSTOR-374Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-374Matt Reno
- Generate HRID for instance recordMODINVSTOR-373Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-373Matt Reno
- Create settings API for hrIdMODINVSTOR-363Resolved issue: MODINVSTOR-363Matt Reno
- HRID handling in Inventory for Item recordsMODINV-162Resolved issue: MODINV-162Bohdan Suprun
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