- Claim returned: when actual cost item is claimed returned, if actual cost has not yet been billed, remove the table entry from the Lost Items Requiring Actual Cost processing pageUIU-2740Christian Cruz
- PoC implementation for UIU-1605: Closing declared lost loan (Lost and paid status) for actual costUIU-2624Resolved issue: UIU-2624Stanislau Snapok
- Declared lost/aged to lost item: Display fees when declared lost/aged to lost with ACTUAL COSTUIU-1818Resolved issue: UIU-1818
- Claim returned: effect on ACTUAL COST fees for item status Aged to LostUIU-1766Resolved issue: UIU-1766Isela García Bravo
- Refresh 'Fine incurred' field when item declared lostUIU-1669Resolved issue: UIU-1669Michal Kuklis
- Claim returned-1.5: Effect on SET COST fees for item status Aged to LostUIU-1645Resolved issue: UIU-1645Isela García Bravo
- Claim returned: effect on ACTUAL COST fee when item is lost or missingUIU-1623Resolved issue: UIU-1623Yasmine Macedo R
- Claim returned: effect on ACTUAL COST fees for item status Declared LostUIU-1621Resolved issue: UIU-1621Yasmine Macedo R
- Closing declared lost loan (Lost and paid status) for actual costUIU-1605Resolved issue: UIU-1605Artem Blazhko
- Handle new 'Closed loan' loan actionUIU-1603Resolved issue: UIU-1603Michal Kuklis
- Declared lost item: Manual fee setting for ACTUAL COST fee/fine typeUIU-1593Resolved issue: UIU-1593Holly Mistlebauer
- Declared lost item: Assign fees when declared lost with actual costUIU-1580Resolved issue: UIU-1580Holly Mistlebauer
- Declared lost item: Close loans when no fees chargedUIU-1491Resolved issue: UIU-1491Holly Mistlebauer
- Declared lost: renewal (effect on lost item fees)UIU-1259Resolved issue: UIU-1259Holly Mistlebauer
- Claim returned-2.3: effect on SET COST fees when item is lost or missingUIU-1220Resolved issue: UIU-1220Christian Cruz
- Claim returned-1.0: effect on SET COST fees for item status Declared LostUIU-1214Resolved issue: UIU-1214Yasmine Macedo R
- Closing declared lost loan (Lost and paid status) for set costUIU-1204Resolved issue: UIU-1204Sergiy Sergiyenko
- Declared lost item: Display fees when declared lost with SET COSTUIU-1203Resolved issue: UIU-1203Michal Kuklis
- Lost and paid: prevent all request typesUIREQ-400Resolved issue: UIREQ-400Matt Connolly
- PoC implementation for UIIN-1930: Closing declared lost loan (Lost and paid status) for actual costUIIN-2071Resolved issue: UIIN-2071Stanislau Snapok
- Closing declared lost loan (Lost and paid status) for actual costUIIN-1930Resolved issue: UIIN-1930Artem Blazhko
- Lost and paid: behavior in inventoryUIIN-895Resolved issue: UIIN-895Michal Kuklis
- Check out Lost and paid itemUICHKOUT-549Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-549Matt Connolly
- Claim returned: cancel ACTUAL COST fee at check inUICHKIN-372Resolved issue: UICHKIN-372Isela García Bravo
- Claim returned-2.0: cancel SET COST fee at check inUICHKIN-225Resolved issue: UICHKIN-225Isela García Bravo
- Claim returned-2.5: charge overdue fine at check in - FRONTENDUICHKIN-218Resolved issue: UICHKIN-218Isela García Bravo
- 'Fees/fines owed' note shown for declared lost item but no fees assignedUICHKIN-183Resolved issue: UICHKIN-183Matt Connolly
- Check in: lost and paid itemsUICHKIN-119Resolved issue: UICHKIN-119Michal Kuklis
- Declared lost item: check in (effect on fines/fees)UICHKIN-118Resolved issue: UICHKIN-118Holly Mistlebauer
- Show system as source in loan action table when lost item fees are paidMODPUBSUB-107Resolved issue: MODPUBSUB-107Bohdan Suprun
- Grant pub-sub user with 'circulation.handlers.all' permissionsMODPUBSUB-86Resolved issue: MODPUBSUB-86Bohdan Suprun
- BACKEND - Add ACTUAL COST automated Fee/fine type to Manual charges tableMODFEE-114Resolved issue: MODFEE-114Bohdan Suprun
- BE - Declared lost item: Manual fee setting for ACTUAL COST fee/fine typeMODFEE-51Resolved issue: MODFEE-51Holly Mistlebauer
- BACKEND - Closing declared lost loan (Lost and paid status) for actual costCIRC-1556Resolved issue: CIRC-1556Roman Barannyk
- Claim returned-2.5: charge overdue fine at check in - BACKENDCIRC-997Resolved issue: CIRC-997Yasmine Macedo R
- BE: Refund lost item fees for 'Lost and paid' itemsCIRC-765Resolved issue: CIRC-765Bohdan Suprun
- BE: Lost and paid: prevent all request typesCIRC-748Resolved issue: CIRC-748Bohdan Suprun
- BE: Check out Lost and paid itemCIRC-747Resolved issue: CIRC-747Bohdan Suprun
- BE: Check in: lost and paid itemsCIRC-746Resolved issue: CIRC-746Bohdan Suprun
- Closing declared lost loan (Lost and paid status) for set costCIRC-743Resolved issue: CIRC-743Bohdan Suprun
- SPIKE: Closing declared lost loan (Lost and paid status) for set costCIRC-731Resolved issue: CIRC-731Bohdan Suprun
- BACKEND - Declared lost/aged to lost item: check in (effect on fines/fees) - ACTUAL COSTCIRC-730Resolved issue: CIRC-730Roman Barannyk
- BE - Declared lost item: check in (effect on fines/fees) - SHARED ACTUAL COSTCIRC-729Resolved issue: CIRC-729
- BACKEND - Declared lost/aged to lost item: renewal (effect on lost item fees) - ACTUAL COSTCIRC-728Resolved issue: CIRC-728Yusuf Murodov
- BE - Declared lost: renewal (effect on lost item fees) - SHARED ACTUAL COSTCIRC-727Resolved issue: CIRC-727
- Model set cost and actual cost fees separatelyCIRC-724Resolved issue: CIRC-724Bohdan Suprun
- BE - Declared lost item: check in (effect on fines/fees) - SET COSTCIRC-717Resolved issue: CIRC-717Bohdan Suprun
- BE - Declared lost: renewal (effect on lost item fees) - SET COSTCIRC-716Resolved issue: CIRC-716Bohdan Suprun
- Backend: Declared lost item: Close loans when no fees charged - SET COSTCIRC-715Resolved issue: CIRC-715Bohdan Suprun
- BACKEND - Declared lost item: Assign fees when declared lost with ACTUAL COSTCIRC-714Resolved issue: CIRC-714Sergiy Bichurin
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