Bulk Edit
Fix versions
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hideTestRail: Results
Charlotte Whitt November 20, 2020 at 6:23 PM
Thanks - Thanks for adding these comments above. I fully agree.
CC: (PO for implementation of Elastic Search), and (as lead developer for Elastic Search)
Jennifer Eustis November 20, 2020 at 5:48 PM
The work of batch edits relies on being able to effectively find and identify the records you need to edit. Having a strong, effective, and accurate search is a must. Also, the ability to work on sets not just in terms of doing bulk edits on records in those sets but also working with sets from saved searches to filter down to records you need to work with. In Aleph, you can save search results and then manipulate those further with boolean commands like and, or, first set but not second, second set but not first. In Alma, there was the possibility of having dynamic sets where if any new records or update records in Alma fit the search parameters then that record was added to your set. This was fantastic.
Ann-Marie Breaux August 5, 2020 at 3:51 PM
Good to know Thank you!
Cate Boerema August 5, 2020 at 8:42 AM
Yes, that's odd - I removed it. BTW, it's usually who puts fix versions on epics.
Ann-Marie Breaux August 4, 2020 at 5:09 PM
Hi This has a Q3 2019 fix version on it. Should we wipe that out?
User should be able to identify records for bulk edit based on a list of submitted identifiers or a query and have ability to change one or more properties for each record in a list of records to a given value (add new data, remove existing data, change existing data)
Before the changes are committed, user should be able to review them, confirm them and commit them. If an error occurs during the bulk edit, user is notified about it and the logs are available for the user so that the errors can be addressed in the future
The bulk edit functionality should support expert users who are familiar with FOLIO data structure and are aware of the impact of the bulk edit operation (CSV approach) but also need to provide a way to a limited impact bulk edit that could be done by less technically savy users (in-app approach)
The planned functional areas for bulk edit include:
Circulation (requests, loans)
Users (permissions, user records)
Acquisition (orders, finances)
ERM (agreements, licenses)
SRS (bib records, holdings, authority)
Tags (can be a part of each functional area)
Out of scope
Bulk adding of new records
Additional information:
Use cases at https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/BULKEDIT/Bulk+Edit+Use+Cases
High level roadmap: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/BULKEDIT/High+Level+Roadmap+for+Bulk+Edit+App
In-app approach: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jPuVpr9R4F9BCbXRCHSGdan2ePSB_0nz
External file approach: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aMym4XlpRH_zMqWzwZWXf2DPDABFKvSF