Import single record from OCLC - 02 - Match existing bib, create new holdings (update holding in Inventory-SRS-MARCcat)



Old text – to be updated:

• I show Aleph to demonstrate that I have an existing bib, holdings and item for this title
• I modify the end of the 049 to use the OCLC holdings code of SNNA, for our art library. This is different than the current general collection holding that already exists
• I export the record, and the dialog shows that the exported record matched an existing bib record (matching on 035), and that a new holdings record was created (because I used SNNA) and an item record was not created (I didn't include a barcode in the 949$a prior to exporting the record)
• I return to Aleph and refresh the record, so that I can confirm that a new "SCHIL SASTK" holding was created and was attached to the matched bib, and that there is only the original item record


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TestRail: Results



Annalisa Di Sabato May 22, 2020 at 12:24 PM

This issue will be developed in another way, by another team (no @Cult).

Tiziana Possemato September 30, 2019 at 10:43 AM

I try to identify the steps related to OCLC.Connexion with the steps related to Aleph (MARCcat, in the future):

I suppose these steps are in OCLC (with exception of the first row, in Aleph, just to demostrate that a record exists):
(• I show Aleph to demonstrate that I have an existing bib, holdings and item for this title (in ALEPH -> in MARCcat in the future))
• I modify the end of the 049 to use the OCLC holdings code of SNNA, for our art library. This is different than the current general collection holding that already exists
• I export the record, and the dialog shows that the exported record matched an existing bib record (matching on 035), and that a new holdings record was created (because I used SNNA) and an item record was not created (I didn't include a barcode in the 949$a prior to exporting the record)

I suppose the last one is in Aleph (in MARCcat in the future)
• I return to Aleph and refresh the record, so that I can confirm that a new "SCHIL SASTK" holding was created and was attached to the matched bib, and that there is only the original item record.

Some comments/answers:
Referring to the sentence: "and refresh the record" I suppose we need to add, in MARCcat, a new holding record, without any changes on the related bib record. Is it correct? I suppose an API has to be called to inform SRS and Inventory that something changed in the holdings layer in MARCcat (just to assure the updating). Let's discuss with and . We need again to decide the final workflow (starting from MARCca? From Inventory? From SRS? and so on)

Won't Do



TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created September 30, 2019 at 10:15 AM
Updated October 17, 2022 at 11:53 AM
Resolved May 22, 2020 at 12:24 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs