Users: Second Sort in Lists Should be Previous Sort Column
Potential Workaround
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hideTestRail: Results
Charlotte Whitt June 22, 2017 at 6:14 PMEdited
Sounds good, thanks @mike. I'll close the issue now.
Mike Taylor June 22, 2017 at 5:00 PM
The new issue for sorting patron-group by name is
Mike Taylor June 22, 2017 at 4:57 PM
Thanks again. The odd sorting order of patron-group is analogous to the odd sorting of material-type over in the Items module, and has the same cause: see
I will file a new issue for this. If you are otherwise happy with this one, you can go ahead and close.
Charlotte Whitt June 22, 2017 at 12:18 PMEdited
Tested in, version @folio/users 2.7.1.
Default, 'user status, active', the name column is a-z (161 results found)
1) When clicking on the header of 'patron group', this is sorted as first column, and the second sort is the name column (in alphabetic order a-z)
Expected result:
To get the list starting with off_campus patron group.
Actual result:
The list I get starts with on_campus - this is not alphabetic order a-z of the patron group categories; then you would expect off_campus, then on_campus, and then other (but I can be mistaken, and this has been decided in a different jira issue)
2) Clicked away 'active' user status (208 results), click on header in column 'user id', now user id is first sort, alphabetic order (a-z), and patron group is second sort order
This is as expected.
3) Clicked in the filter pane on patron group 'other' (71 results found), and clicked on the email-header. The second sort is now user id
This is as expected.
Purpose: Make it such that, if you sort by a column other than name, the secondary sort should be the previous sort column
Given a column A is the primary sort in the user list
When column B is selected as the primary sort
Then column A becomes the secondary sort