Users: Second Click on Column Header Should Reverse Sort
Potential Workaround
is cloned by
relates to
hideTestRail: Results

Charlotte Whitt June 22, 2017 at 11:43 AM
Cool. Then I'm doing the right thing
I'll close the issue

Mike Taylor June 22, 2017 at 11:37 AM
When you say "Folio-test is down", do you mean ?
if so, that is as intended, I think. That site is deprecated. We use instead now, as it's much more up to date.

Charlotte Whitt June 22, 2017 at 11:34 AM
Folio-test is down but tested in, version @folio/users 2.7.1.
1) all (users, 208 results found), no filter selected. When clicking on the header, the column sorts in the opposite direction. All columns acted correct
2) set filter 'user status, active', 161 results found): When clicking on the header, the column sorts in the opposite direction. All columns acted correct
3) all (users), set filter, 'patron group, off_campus', 59 results found): When clicking on the header, the column sorts in the opposite direction. All columns acted correct

Mike Taylor June 14, 2017 at 11:14 AM
Correct – this will be in the next ui-users release.
In general, you can see which release each fix is slated for – see "Fix Version/s:" near the top of the page. Then you can compare that with the version of the relevant module (in this case ui-users) reported by Since that presently says "@folio/users 2.6.0" you can tell that the fix isn't expected to be there.

Cate Boerema June 14, 2017 at 10:27 AM
Still not present in demo-test. I'll check later. Hope it's okay that I put this "In Review" to remind myself to come back. Thanks!
Purpose: Make it possible to reverse sort user list by any column
Given a column in the user list is being used as the primary sort
When I click the column header
Then the column should sort in the opposite direction