Get Alternate Fixed Renewal Period from Loan Policy
Potential Workaround
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hideTestRail: Results

Adam Shire June 5, 2018 at 4:58 PM
tested successfully. setting to closed.
Created March 12, 2018 at 11:58 AM
Updated September 4, 2018 at 3:11 PM
Resolved June 5, 2018 at 4:58 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Purpose: When a loan is associated with a loan policy that is has a "fixed" profile, the renewal period for the loan is calculated by reference to the fixed due date schedule. The purpose of this story is to calculate the due date for renewals on such loans when an ALTERNATE Fixed Due Date schedule has been selected for renewals
Given Loan Policy X which has:
Loanable = Y
Loan profile = Fixed
Fixed due date schedule = Fixed due date schedule F
Renewable = Y
Renewal period different from original loan = Y
Alternate fixed due date schedule for renewals = Fixed due date schedule G
When new Loan L is associated with Loan Policy X through loan rules AND Loan L is renewed individually by selecting "Renew" in the actions menu on the Loans page
Then the new due date for renewed Loan L should be calculated as:
If renewal date for Loan L falls in a date range in Fixed due date schedule G (e.g. it is between a Date from and Date to dates in a row in the Schedule section) then the new due date for Loan L should be the due date associated with that date range/row.
If the renewal date for Loan L does NOT fall within a date range in Fixed due date schedule G:
Renewal is prevented
A modal popup should display reading:
Header: Item not renewed
Body: Item cannot be renewed as the renewal date falls outside of the date ranges in the loan policy. Please review <loanPolicyX> before retrying renewal.
Buttons: Okay
Out of scope:
What happens if:
Renewing the loan doesn't change the due date (UIU-429)
Profile = Rolling ()
Renew from = Current due date
There is a Fixed due date schedule (due date limit) applied
There is no loan policy targeted at the loan
Loanable = N
Messaging for bulk renewals
Useful links:
Loan policy metadata doc
Loan policy mockups
Fixed due date schedule mockups