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Purpose: to create a tenant-level setting that will show/hide the profile picture in FOLIO. Many institutions will not have the ability to get user photos in FOLIO and they don't want to occupy valuable real-estate with a grey box or generic avatar.
Given Settings > Users
When displayed
Then a new page called "Profile pictures" should display in alphabetical order along with the other pages displaying
Given the Profile pictures page
When displayed
Then a single option should display:
Label: Display profile pictures
Type: Checkbox
Default: Unchecked
Given the view mode of User details
When "Display profile pictures" is checked in Settings > Users> Profile pictures
Then a placeholder should display for the user's profile picture as shown in this wireframe: @Former user, I can't find a mockup of user details (view) page that shows the profile picture anymore. Can you please upload and add link to this story?
Given the view mode of User details
When "Display profile pictures" is UNchecked in Settings > Users> Profile pictures
@Rasmus Wølk and @Filip Jakobsen on `text-overflow: ellipsis` for value styles in <KeyValue> since you guys are working on the styles right now.
Michal Kuklis December 6, 2017 at 5:45 PM
Thanks for the mockups @Darcy Branchini! I made couple adjustments and the photo (100 x 100) should be now on the right. The values are currently using one of the components from stripes-components (KeyValue) so I don't have a direct control over styles but perhaps it would be good to introduce ellipsis there at some point. @John Coburn what do you think?
@Cate Boerema the "Profile pictures" setting should be now in place so I'm going to mark this one as "In Review".
Darcy Branchini December 6, 2017 at 5:16 PM
@Michal Kuklis just redistribute the four columns of information and put the photo (100x100) on the right. If a value for a particular field runs over the allotted space, then I'd suggest an ellipsis to indicate it's not the full value.
Purpose: to create a tenant-level setting that will show/hide the profile picture in FOLIO. Many institutions will not have the ability to get user photos in FOLIO and they don't want to occupy valuable real-estate with a grey box or generic avatar.
Given Settings > Users
When displayed
Then a new page called "Profile pictures" should display in alphabetical order along with the other pages displaying
Given the Profile pictures page
When displayed
Then a single option should display:
Label: Display profile pictures
Type: Checkbox
Default: Unchecked
Given the view mode of User details
When "Display profile pictures" is checked in Settings > Users> Profile pictures
Then a placeholder should display for the user's profile picture as shown in this wireframe: @Former user, I can't find a mockup of user details (view) page that shows the profile picture anymore. Can you please upload and add link to this story?
Given the view mode of User details
When "Display profile pictures" is UNchecked in Settings > Users> Profile pictures
Then a placeholder should display for the user's profile picture as shown in this wireframe: