Purpose: To refine the layout and styling of the view mode of the user record in FOLIO. The current iteration is was a roughed in by developers to get the main functionality in place, but UX has now been able to put some thought into the refinement design.
Given User Details
When displayed in View mode (aka the preview pane)
Then the following sections should appear:
User information - Not collapsible
Extended information - Collapsible, closed by default
Contact information - Collapsible, closed by default
Proxy - Collapsible, closed by default
-Fees and fines - Collapsible, closed by default-
Loans - Collapsible, closed by default
User permissions - Collapsible, closed by default
Out of scope for this story:
Requests section
Given the User information section on user View
When displayed
Then the following data elements should appear as shown in the attached wireframe:
Last name
First name
Middle name
Patron group
Expiration date
Given the Extended information section on user View
When displayed
Then the following data elements should appear as shown in the attached wireframe:
PasswordCB: We'll reintroduce this field as part of a general password management overhaul in another story.
External system ID
FOLIO number
Date enrolled
Birth date
Out of scope for this story:
Reset password functionality
Given the Contact information section on user View
When displayed
Then the following data elements should appear as shown in the attached wireframe:
Mobile phone
Preferred contact
Given the Address sub-section within the Contact information section on user View
When displayed
Then the the data should be laid out as shown in the linked wireframe
Out of scope for this story (separate stories will be entered for these):*
Any layout changes for these sections: Proxy, User permissions, Fees and fines, Loans
Addition of header pane (pane displaying on the left which allows users to jump to a specific section) - covered in STRIPES-365
Changes to page header to display the user's name instead of User details/Edit user
Changes to edit button (dropdown in the wireframes)
Thanks, . I saw Fees/fines in UNAM's part of the last sprint review but I guess it's not merged to master. I'll remove that and move the password requirement to another story.
Michal Kuklis January 4, 2018 at 4:08 PM
I added the address label back. We currently have no Fees and Fines. Perhaps fees and fines together with the password issue could be moved to separate stories? If that's ok then I think we can mark this one as done.
Michal Kuklis January 4, 2018 at 1:46 PM
Thanks . Do we want to add Fees and Fine as an empty section for now? Also not sure where "Addresses" label disappeared. It was there last year .
Cate Boerema January 4, 2018 at 1:42 PM
, I found a couple small things here. They are indicated inline above.
Purpose: To refine the layout and styling of the view mode of the user record in FOLIO. The current iteration is was a roughed in by developers to get the main functionality in place, but UX has now been able to put some thought into the refinement design.
Given User Details
When displayed in View mode (aka the preview pane)
Then the following sections should appear:
User information - Not collapsible
Extended information - Collapsible, closed by default
Contact information - Collapsible, closed by default
Proxy - Collapsible, closed by default
-Fees and fines - Collapsible, closed by default-
Loans - Collapsible, closed by default
User permissions - Collapsible, closed by default
Out of scope for this story:
Requests section
Given the User information section on user View
When displayed
Then the following data elements should appear as shown in the attached wireframe:
Last name
First name
Middle name
Patron group
Expiration date
Given the Extended information section on user View
When displayed
Then the following data elements should appear as shown in the attached wireframe:
Password CB: We'll reintroduce this field as part of a general password management overhaul in another story.
External system ID
FOLIO number
Date enrolled
Birth date
Out of scope for this story:
Reset password functionality
Given the Contact information section on user View
When displayed
Then the following data elements should appear as shown in the attached wireframe:
Mobile phone
Preferred contact
Given the Address sub-section within the Contact information section on user View
When displayed
Then the the data should be laid out as shown in the linked wireframe
Out of scope for this story (separate stories will be entered for these):*
Any layout changes for these sections: Proxy, User permissions, Fees and fines, Loans
Addition of header pane (pane displaying on the left which allows users to jump to a specific section) - covered in STRIPES-365
Changes to page header to display the user's name instead of User details/Edit user
Changes to edit button (dropdown in the wireframes)
Wireframes: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B18Bhhmr94zaSWdHckJ2WDExUUE