Create 'Financial transactions detail report'


Purpose:  Generate Financial transactions detail report based on criteria entered by user, and then make the report available for download.  This report is used by staff members who are supervisors to research issues related to the balancing of the cash drawers and other financial questions. 


Scenario 1

  • Given report criteria saved on Financial transactions detail report modal (see UIU-1960)

  • When one or more fee/fine actions for payment, waive, refund, transfer, cancellation or staff info only not found for criteria

  • Then display the red "no success toast" with error message:  No items found

Scenario 2

  • Given report criteria saved on Financial transactions detail report modal (see UIU-1960)

  • When one of more fee/fine actions for payment, waive, refund, transfer, cancellation or staff info only found for criteria

  • Then...

    • Generate the Financial transactions detail report CSV file per the instructions below (as shown in attached report sample Financial-Transactions-Detail-Report-format.xlsx)

    • Make report available for download (as shown in attached screen mock-up 6-financial-transactions-downloaded.png)  


Produce the title of the report -

  • Financial Transactions Detail Report for <Fee/Fine Owner>, Service Point(s) <Service Point 1, Service Point 2, Service Point X> - <Start-date> to <End-date>

    • Insert Fee/fine owner from Financial transactions detail report modal (will only have one)

    • Insert Service Points(s) from Financial transactions detail report modal (will have zero to many)

    • Insert Start date from Financial transactions detail report modal (will have one)

    • Insert End date from Financial transactions detail report modal (if not provided from modal, use system date)

    • Examples:

      • Financial Transactions Detail Report for Main Circ Desk - 3/8/2021 to 3/10/2021

      • Financial Transactions Detail Report for Main Circ Desk, Service Point(s) Main reference - 3/8/2021 to 3/10/2021

      • Financial Transactions Detail Report for Main Circ Desk, Service Point(s) Front service desk, Back service desk - 3/8/2021 to 3/10/2021

Produce the columns of the report -

  • Fee/fine owner:  Fee/fine owner from Fee/Fine record (aka Fee/Fine Details upper part)

  • Fee/fine type:  Fee/fine type from Fee/Fine record (aka Fee/Fine Details upper part)

  • Fee/fine billed amount:  Billed amount from Fee/Fine record (aka Fee/Fine Details upper part)

  • Fee/fine billed date/time:  Billed date from Fee/Fine record (aka Fee/Fine Details upper part)

  • Fee/fine created at:  Created at for the initial billing from Fee/Fine Action record (aka Fee/Fine Details table of "actions")

  • Fee/fine source:  Source for the initial billing from Fee/Fine Action record (aka Fee/Fine Details table of "actions")

  • Fee/fine details:  FOLIO internal id with link to Fee/fine Details page

  • Action:  Action translated to Payment, Waive, Refund, Transfer, Cancelled or Staff info only from Fee/Fine Action record (aka Fee/Fine Details table of "actions"); for example,

  • Action amount:  Amount from Fee/Fine Action record (aka Fee/Fine Details table of "actions")

  • Action date/time:  Action date from Fee/Fine Action record (aka Fee/Fine Details table of "actions")

  • Action created at:  Created at from Fee/Fine Action record (aka Fee/Fine Details table of "actions")

  • Action source:  Source from Fee/Fine Action record (aka Fee/Fine Details table of "actions")

  • Action status:  Action (e.g. Paid fully, Waived partially) from Fee/Fine Action record (aka Fee/Fine Details table of "actions")

  • Action additional staff information:  Additional staff information from Fee/Fine Action record (aka Fee/Fine Details table of "actions")

  • Action additional patron information:  Additional patron information from Fee/Fine Action record (aka Fee/Fine Details table of "actions")

  • Payment method:  Payment method from Fee/Fine Action record (aka Fee/Fine Details table of "actions"), which will only exist for payments

  • Payment transaction information:  Transaction information from Fee/Fine Action record (aka Fee/Fine Details table of "actions"), which will only exist for payments

  • Waive reason:  Waive reason from Fee/Fine Action record (aka Fee/Fine Details table of "actions"), which will only exist for waives

  • Refund reason:  Refund reason from Fee/Fine Action record (aka Fee/Fine Details table of "actions"), which will only exist for refunds

  • Transfer account:  Transfer account from Fee/Fine Action record (aka Fee/Fine Details table of "actions"), which will only exist for transfers

  • Patron name:  Name of patron billed the fee/fine

  • Patron barcode:  Barcode of patron billed the fee/fine, which is a link to the User Details page for the patron

  • Patron group:  Patron group of patron billed the fee/fine

  • Patron email address:  Email address of patron billed the fee/fine, which is a "mail to" link

  • Instance:  Instance from Fee/Fine record (aka Fee/Fine Details upper part), which will only be available if fee/fine is related to a loaned item

  • Contributors:  Contributors from item record, which will only be available if fee/fine is related to a loaned item

  • Item barcode:  Barcode from Fee/Fine record (aka Fee/Fine Details upper part), which will only be available if fee/fine is related to a loaned item; will be a link to the item record

  • Call number:  Call number from Fee/Fine record (aka Fee/Fine Details upper part), which will only be available if fee/fine is related to a loaned item

  • Effective location:  Location from Fee/Fine record (aka Fee/Fine Details upper part), which will only be available if fee/fine is related to a loaned item (Important note:  This should be the Location description, not the code)

  • Loan date/time:  Date of loan from Loan record, which will only be available if fee/fine is related to a loaned item

  • Due date/time:  :  Due date from Fee/Fine record (aka Fee/Fine Details upper part), which will only be available if fee/fine is related to a loaned item

  • Return date/time:  Return date from Fee/Fine record (aka Fee/Fine Details upper part), which will only be available if fee/fine is related to a loaned item

  • Loan policy:  Loan policy from Loan record, which will only be available if fee/fine is related to a loaned item; will be a link to the actual policy

  • Overdue policy:  Overdue policy from Fee/Fine record (aka Fee/Fine Details upper part), which will only be available if fee/fine is related to a loaned item, will be a link to the actual policy

  • Lost item policy:  Lost item policy from Fee/Fine record (aka Fee/Fine Details upper part), which will only be available if fee/fine is related to a loaned item, will be a link to the actual policy

  • Loan details:  FOLIO internal id with link to Loan Details page

Sort the report by -

  • Action date/time (oldest first) within Fee/fine owner

 Produce the report totals -

  • Fee/fine owner: Provide a total of Amount and count by Fee/fine owner, with a grand total for all Fee/fine owners (as shown at bottom of attached report mock-up Financial-Transactions-Detail-Report-format.xlsx)

  • Fee/fine type:  Provide a total of Amount and count by Fee/fine type, with a grand total for all _Fee/fine type_s (as shown at bottom of attached report mock-up Financial-Transactions-Detail-Report-format.xlsx)

  • Action:  Provide a total of Amount and count by Action, with a grand total for all Actions (as shown at bottom of attached report mock-up Financial-Transactions-Detail-Report-format.xlsx)

  • Payment method:  Provide a total of Amount and count by Payment method, with a grand total for all Payment methods (as shown at bottom of attached report mock-up Financial-Transactions-Detail-Report-format.xlsx)

  • Waive reason:  Provide a total of Amount and count by Waive Reason, with a grand total for all Waive reasons (as shown at bottom of attached report mock-up Financial-Transactions-Detail-Report-format.xlsx)

  • Refund reason:  Provide a total of Amount and count by Refund reason, with a grand total for all Refund reasons (as shown at bottom of attached report mock-up Financial-Transactions-Detail-Report-format.xlsx)

  • Transfer account:  Provide a total of Amount and count by Transfer account, with a grand total for all Transfer accounts (as shown at bottom of attached report mock-up Financial-Transactions-Detail-Report-format.xlsx)




Potential Workaround



  • 21 Jul 2021, 12:23 PM
  • 21 Jul 2021, 12:21 PM
  • 20 Jul 2021, 03:29 PM
  • 20 Jul 2021, 03:29 PM
  • 11 Mar 2021, 02:47 PM
  • 09 Mar 2021, 10:18 PM



TestRail: Results



Alexander Kurash July 20, 2021 at 3:52 PM

 That is correct, but this issue is not related to the report itself, it's related to how Staff info only functionality was implemented. We filed a bug for it - UIU-2218. It's already linked to this story.

Holly Mistlebauer July 20, 2021 at 3:29 PM

"Staff info only" transactions are appearing in the report without a "Action created at" value, as shown by attachment Action-created-at-missing-for-staff-info.jpg.  There is a value in the actual record, as shown in attachment Fee-Fine-Details2.jpg.

Holly Mistlebauer July 9, 2021 at 4:41 PM

:  Yes, that is fine.  Thanks for letting me know...

Anna Melnyk July 6, 2021 at 8:35 AM

, report header (Financial Transactions Detail Report for <Fee/Fine Owner>, Service Point(s) <Service Point 1, Service Point 2, Service Point X> - <Start-date> to <End-date>) will be located below main table (the same as in Cash drawer reconciliation report).  Could you confirm please that this is ok?

Dmitriy Litvinenko July 2, 2021 at 9:23 AM

FE - 3sp

QA - 5sp





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TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created November 6, 2020 at 8:30 PM
Updated October 13, 2023 at 9:16 AM
Resolved July 21, 2021 at 1:37 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs

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