Add modal for 'Financial transactions detail report'
Potential Workaround
relates to
hideTestRail: Results

Alina Dorosh July 21, 2021 at 12:13 PM
Thanks !
Bug report was created due to your comment.
Holly Mistlebauer July 20, 2021 at 3:10 PMEdited
The criteria was all testing out correctly, until I added this transaction:
Patron was billed an overdue fine of 242.00, with a Fee/Fine Owner of Main Circ Desk. I was was working at the Secondary Circ Desk when I waived 200.00 of the fee/fine and paid 22.00. (I have attached screen prints Fees-Fines-History.jpg (showing Fees/Fines History for the patron) and Fee-Fine-Details.jpg (showing Fee/Fine Details for the overdue fine.)
After this transaction was completed, I started getting the attached system error (Error-on-Main-Circ-Desk.jpg) when attempting to run the report with the following criteria:
Start Date of today, End Date blank, Fee/Fine Owner "Main Circ Desk", Service Points blank
Start Date of today, End Date blank, Fee/Fine Owner "Main Circ Desk", Service Points "Online" and "Circ Desk 1"
Start Date of today, End Date blank, Fee/Fine Owner "Main Circ Desk", Service Point "Circ Desk 1"
If I enter this criteria the error does not appear:
Start Date of today, End Date blank, Fee/Fine Owner "Main Circ Desk", Service Point "Online"

Alina Dorosh July 14, 2021 at 12:26 PM
Hi team!
Story has been tested. Work as expected on the Snapshot env.
Except fail was found and created UIU-2204 bug report for test cases "Check when user click on the icon calendar appears "datepicker" and user can select any date".
Test cases "Check that the "Export in progress" success toast appear when the user click on the "Save&close" button" can not be test in this scope. Test case will be tested in the scope UIU-1962
Evidence was added.

Alina Dorosh July 9, 2021 at 2:59 PM
I created test cases for this story. Test cases have been added. Could you please check and approve?
Holly Mistlebauer July 1, 2021 at 3:35 PM
: The answers to all of your questions is "Yes". Thanks so much for checking with me...
Purpose: Enter criteria for the creation of the Financial transaction detail report.
Scenario 1
Given Actions options listed (as shown in attached mock-up 1-updated-actions-dropdown.png)
When Financial transaction detail report selected
Then display Financial transaction detail report modal (as shown in attached mock-up 5-financial-transactions-detail-report-modal.png) with...
Start date set to current date
End date set to current date
Fee/fine owner drop-down populated with all fee/fine owners
Cancel button active
Save & close button inactive
Scenario 2
Given Financial transaction detail report modal open (from Scenario 2)
When Cancel button pressed
Then close Financial transaction detail report modal, returning user to User search results page
Scenario 3
Given Financial transaction detail report modal open (from Scenario 2)
When Start date and End date are both blank
Then display this error message under Start date box: "Start date" is required
Scenario 4
Given Financial transaction detail report modal open (from Scenario 2)
When Start date is blank but End date is not blank
Then display this error message under Start date box: "Start date" is required if "End date" entered
Scenario 5
Given Financial transaction detail report modal open (from Scenario 2)
When End date is less than Start date
Then display this error message under End date box: "End date" must be greater than or equal to "Start date"
Scenario 6
Given Financial transaction detail report modal open (from Scenario 2)
When Fee/fine owner has not been selected
Then display this error message under Service point selection box: "Fee/fine owner" is required
Scenario 7
Given Financial transaction detail report modal open (from Scenario 2)
When Fee/fine owner has been selected
Then populate Associated service points drop-down with the service points associated with the fee/fine owner in the table at Settings/Users/Fee/fine: Owners. (Please note that there will often be more than one)
Scenario 8
Given Financial transaction detail report modal open (from Scenario 2)
When all validation has been passed
Then activate Save & close button
Scenario 9
Given Financial transaction detail report modal open and Save & close button active (from Scenario 9)
When Save & close button pressed
Close Financial transaction detail report modal
Send "success toast" (as shown in attached mock-up 8-export-in-progress.jpg)
Initiate the creation of the report (see UIU-1962)