Overview: The data in the Title column of the Loans page is currently hyperlinked to the Loan Details page. That isn't correct. Eventually we'll have a Title record and that data will need to link there. Please just have the row itself clickable to access Loan Details
Log into folio-testing
Create a loan for User A
View User A's profile
Click to "View Loans" in the Loans section
Expected: The title should not be a link to Loan details. Simply clicking the row should take you to loan details.
As we discussed on the call this a.m., it is possible to link the cell-background separately from the cell-content. This allows the behavior of clicking the "background" area of a cell to link to the loan details pane while clicking the text in a cell to link to a different pane. Because we don't yet have separate link-targets for the text in separate columns, the entire row is once again linked to the loan details.
Zak Burke July 24, 2017 at 12:26 PM
So, the whole row, except for the options menu (•••) on the right, should be linked?
Overview: The data in the Title column of the Loans page is currently hyperlinked to the Loan Details page. That isn't correct. Eventually we'll have a Title record and that data will need to link there. Please just have the row itself clickable to access Loan Details
Log into folio-testing
Create a loan for User A
View User A's profile
Click to "View Loans" in the Loans section
Expected: The title should not be a link to Loan details. Simply clicking the row should take you to loan details.
Actual: The title is a link to loan details