Purpose: To modify and extend the page accessed by the "View full history" button (being relabelled "View loans" as part of UIU-127) so that it includes more data in a better organized format.
Given the page currently titled "Loans history" (accessed by clicking "View full history") on user details
When displayed
Then the page should be relabelled "Loans"
Scenario - See UIU-160
Given a loan record on the "Loans" page
When clicked
Then the Loan details page should display for that loan
Scenario - No bug filed
Given the Loans page
When displayed
Then a new column should be displayed labelled "Renewals" (UIU-132 will specify how this column is populated)
Scenario - Not properly positioned. No bug filed.
Given the Loans page
When displayed
Then there should be tabs for Open and Closed loans as shown in the wireframes
Given the Loans page > Open loans tab
When displayed
Then only open loans should display (Loans where status is not Closed)
Given the Loans page > Closed loans tab
When displayed
Then only closed loans should display (Loans where status is Closed)
Scenario - Styling not right. No bug filed
Given a loan record on the Loans page > Open loans tab
When displayed
Then an actions menu should be accessible by clicking "..." on the right of the row
Minor point of clarification: the action menu is there, it's just clipped by the container element. Once you click the menu, the container element becomes vertically scrollable, and scrolling down will allow you to see the menu. As noted above, we want to resolve STCOM-34 first as the implementation there will determine if/how we need to address the clipping issue here, but I filed STCOM-46 so we don't lose track of this issue.
When testing scenario 1-7; all looks good. When testing scenario 8, then the action menu has no content. The value 'Renew' was supposed to be here. has filed STCOM-34.
I'll close the issue as done.
Jakub Skoczen August 17, 2017 at 12:26 PM
will you take a look at reviewing this issue?
Zak Burke August 15, 2017 at 11:02 PM
All elements should look good at this point, but the actions menu gets clipped by its container when at the bottom of the container. We're looking at a different implementation for the actions menu itself (https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/STCOM-34) which may resolve this issue, so I'm closing this one for now.
Zak Burke August 10, 2017 at 8:01 PM
PR 52 (along with PR 40 on stripes-components) handles the formatting of the actions menu as specified in Scenario 7.
Purpose: To modify and extend the page accessed by the "View full history" button (being relabelled "View loans" as part of UIU-127) so that it includes more data in a better organized format.
Given the page currently titled "Loans history" (accessed by clicking "View full history") on user details
When displayed
Then the page should be relabelled "Loans"
Scenario - See UIU-160
Given a loan record on the "Loans" page
When clicked
Then the Loan details page should display for that loan
Scenario - No bug filed
Given the Loans page
When displayed
Then a new column should be displayed labelled "Renewals" (UIU-132 will specify how this column is populated)
Scenario - Not properly positioned. No bug filed.
Given the Loans page
When displayed
Then there should be tabs for Open and Closed loans as shown in the wireframes
Given the Loans page > Open loans tab
When displayed
Then only open loans should display (Loans where status is not Closed)
Given the Loans page > Closed loans tab
When displayed
Then only closed loans should display (Loans where status is Closed)
Scenario - Styling not right. No bug filed
Given a loan record on the Loans page > Open loans tab
When displayed
Then an actions menu should be accessible by clicking "..." on the right of the row
Given the actions menu
When displayed
Then the only value should be "Renew"