Won't Do
Holly Mistlebauer
Holly MistlebauerTester Assignee
Holly Mistlebauer
Holly MistlebauerLabels
Development Team
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created February 27, 2020 at 2:34 PM
Updated August 27, 2020 at 6:37 PM
Resolved August 14, 2020 at 3:25 PM
Purpose: Once the patron has paid for the item (or the associated fines have otherwise been taken care of - for example, if the library waives them), the loan can be closed.
The lost item fee policy will specify that either the actual cost of the item is charged or a set cost for a lost item is charged (in addition to a lost item processing fee). This story covers scenarios where the set cost is charged (automated).
Given a loan that has been aged to lost and billed (Loan Record lostItemHasBeenBilled = 'true) with the following fees assigned:
no lost item processing fee
charge amount for item is set cost > 0
When the charge amount for item fee has been closed
close the loan
change item status to Lost and paid
Given a loan that has been aged to lost and billed (Loan Record lostItemHasBeenBilled = 'true) with the following fees assigned:
some lost item processing fee > 0
charge amount for item is set cost = 0.00
When the lost item processing fee has been closed
close the loan
change item status to Lost and paid
Given a loan that has been aged to lost and billed (Loan Record lostItemHasBeenBilled = 'true) with the following fees assigned:
some lost item processing fee > 0
some charge amount for item > 0
When both the lost item processing fee and the charge amount fee have been closed
close the loan
change item status to Lost and paid
Given an item with the status Lost and paid
When viewing loan details for the loan that was aged to lost
Then the last row of the action table should be the following
Action date: <date the loan was closed>
Action: Closed loan
Due date: <Due date at time loan was closed>
Item status: Lost and paid
Source: <Last name, first name of staff member who closed the fee/fine, link to user profile> out of scope, see
Comments: <None>
Given an item with the status Lost and paid
When viewing the loan history for the user for whom the item was aged to lost
Then populate that loan’s row of the closed loans table as follows:
Item title: title of item
Due date: due date of item
Barcode: Barcode of item
Fee/fine: total amount charged on item, including lost item fees
Effective call number string: effective call number string for the item
Contributors: contributors for item
Renewal count: total number of renewals on loan
Loan date: date item was checked out to patron
Return date: -
Check in service point: -
If the Actual cost fee has not been charged to the patron yet, but is expected according to the fee/fine policy, the loan should not be closed.
Whether or not an Actual cost fee is owed should be determined when the item is aged to lost. If some aspect determining the circulation rule/lost item fee policy changes between when the item was declared lost and when the fees were charged or paid, adhere to the lost item fee policy in place when the item was aged to lost.
Other fees or fines may exist on the loan that are not related to its being aged to lost. These should not block the loan from closing once all lost item fees are paid.