Cate Boerema
Cate Boerema(Deactivated)Priority
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created March 31, 2017 at 12:03 PM
Updated April 5, 2019 at 1:32 PM
Resolved April 5, 2019 at 1:32 PM
Purpose: This splits off the scenario goals from that pertain to associations between shelving locations and items (as opposed to pure shelving location CRUDing)
Given the Item details page (view, edit, create and copy)
When displayed
Then one new field should appear:
Shelving location (temporary) - Edit control is select menu
Given the Shelving location control in Settings
When a new Shelving location is created
Then it should display in the new Shelving location (permanent) and Shelving location (temporary) menus on the Item details page
Given the Shelving location control in Settings
When a Shelving location is deleted
Then it should be removed from the Shelving location (permanent) and Shelving location (temporary) menus on the Item details page
Given a temporary shelving location is assigned to an Item record in the Shelving location (temporary) menus
When delete is attempted in Settings
Then it should not be allowed (delete should be suppressed however is easiest for now - disabled button, error message, whatever - we'll modify later)
Given the Shelving location control
When a new Shelving location is edited
Then the edits should be reflected in the Shelving location (permanent) menus on the Holding details page and Shelving location (temporary) menus on the Item details page