Location CRUD design will change from what is defined here. Per discussion with Jakub, it is worth moving forward on this as defined for now. We can extend later, as-needed and this will give us what we need to make Loan rules tie into locations. Purpose Implement first pass (likely temporary) CRUD functions for Item Shelving locations. Shelving locations are customer-defined and can be associated with Items. For the purposes of this story, this page and control should work very much the same as Material types and Loan types CRUD. However, Shelving location CRUD design may change later on, as it might be part of a larger org hierarchy (with libraries etc).
As a library administrator I want to be able to create, read, update and delete Shelving locations So I can determine the appropriate categories for use in my institution
Given Settings > Organization
When displayed
Then a Shelving locations page should exist (accessible along with Material types and Loan types in middle pane)
Given the Shelving locations page
When displayed
Then a Shelving locations control should display
Given the Shelving locations control
When a new Shelving location is created
Then Shelving location name can be specified
Given the Shelving locations control
When a new Shelving location is created
Then it should display in the list of created Shelving locations in Settings
Given the Shelving locations control
When a new Shelving location is deleted
Then it should be removed from the list of created Shelving locations in Settings
Given the Shelving locations control
When a new Shelving location is edited
Then the edits should be reflected in the list of created Shelving locations in Settings
Given the Shelving locations control
When I navigate away without saving changes
Then the unsaved changes notification should display per LIBAPP-177
NOTE: This should use the same component as the one used for Material type and Patron group CRUD
I thought I'd unblocked this when I completed STRPCOMP-8; but it's still also waiting on MODINVSTOR-7. So it stays in the BLOCKED state.
Cate Boerema June 28, 2017 at 2:07 PM
For example, locations will hook into loan rules. There is also supposed to be a location scope to permission set assignments (not yet implemented). What we are building now is a very simple, single level location hierarchy, but it will eventually grow to be more of a hierarchy (e.g. institution, campus, library, shelving location).
Mike Taylor June 28, 2017 at 2:05 PM
Thanks for clarifying!
Cate Boerema June 28, 2017 at 2:03 PM
Hmmm - sorry about that. I think organization is actually the right place since locations will be used by more than just inventory.
Mike Taylor June 28, 2017 at 1:22 PM
This story refers to "Settings > Items", but it's filed in the UIORG project, which suggests "Settings > Organization". Which category should it be in?
Location CRUD design will change from what is defined here. Per discussion with Jakub, it is worth moving forward on this as defined for now. We can extend later, as-needed and this will give us what we need to make Loan rules tie into locations.
Purpose Implement first pass (likely temporary) CRUD functions for Item Shelving locations. Shelving locations are customer-defined and can be associated with Items. For the purposes of this story, this page and control should work very much the same as Material types and Loan types CRUD. However, Shelving location CRUD design may change later on, as it might be part of a larger org hierarchy (with libraries etc).
As a library administrator
I want to be able to create, read, update and delete Shelving locations
So I can determine the appropriate categories for use in my institution
Given Settings > Organization
When displayed
Then a Shelving locations page should exist (accessible along with Material types and Loan types in middle pane)
Given the Shelving locations page
When displayed
Then a Shelving locations control should display
Given the Shelving locations control
When a new Shelving location is created
Then Shelving location name can be specified
Given the Shelving locations control
When a new Shelving location is created
Then it should display in the list of created Shelving locations in Settings
Given the Shelving locations control
When a new Shelving location is deleted
Then it should be removed from the list of created Shelving locations in Settings
Given the Shelving locations control
When a new Shelving location is edited
Then the edits should be reflected in the list of created Shelving locations in Settings
Given the Shelving locations control
When I navigate away without saving changes
Then the unsaved changes notification should display per LIBAPP-177
NOTE: This should use the same component as the one used for Material type and Patron group CRUD