Assign permanent and temporary shelving location to items in inventory storage
Potential Workaround
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Niels Erik Nielsen November 14, 2017 at 10:31 AM
@Charlotte, I mean, can one instance have multiple holdings record with each their own call number? (pretty certain that's the case but wanted to be sure to understand it fully)

Charlotte Whitt November 13, 2017 at 2:25 PM
@Niels, an instance record does not have a call number, but a holdings record does - but maybe you just used the term instance in another meaning

Niels Erik Nielsen November 13, 2017 at 2:04 PM
That's my take, yes .
Regarding the one-to-one relation: With this model one instance can have multiple holdings records - one holdings record for each permanent location (I don't yet know if one instance could have multiple call numbers as well). Each holdings record can then have multiple associated items of course.

Cate Boerema November 13, 2017 at 1:07 PM
I assume that assignment of locations would not be different from the UX point of view (you assign them to item, and behind the scenes they get assigned through a holding record).
This makes sense to me. Thanks

Charlotte Whitt November 13, 2017 at 1:05 PMEdited
Interesting question @Cate. It all depends on why it is suppressed from the staff UI, e.g. maybe the item is not received yet (an order ordered in Asia, which can be an open order for 6 months sometimes longer), and therefor not for loan.
What and I describe is the data structure documented in Kathryns' metadata elements list ( Vince does not go into detail about what is holdings, and what is items, in his wiki-page, but define holdings/items as one not specified 'group'. Kathryn has the data model which we follow.
My recommendations would be, that we for alpha, go ahead and work with the datamodel we know now, including the comments and feed back we have gotten from the two MM-SIG working groups. The datamodels Kathryn and Vince is describing are in many cases different from how libraries, and ILSes do it today, and there is for this area a broad variations in how libraries solve it. Some of the more 'special use cases' can be reflecting or driven by what specific ILS the library use today, and some usecases, we need to have a realistic approach towards, and figure out how to solve in the months between alpha and v1.
In order to determine where an item should be shelved, an item may be granted a permanent and temporary shelving location.