Inventory search doesn't find item barcode
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Niels Erik Nielsen February 23, 2018 at 3:28 PM
Can't help it. Worrying is a thing my brain does.
Cate Boerema February 23, 2018 at 11:17 AM
No worries So it's a known issue and we plan to get it resolved. I'll let the manual testers know.
Niels Erik Nielsen February 23, 2018 at 11:14 AMEdited
@Cate Boerema: @Marc Johnson and I discussed this, we've had a communications glitch I'm afraid. At a round-up with @Jakub Skoczen – at a time when you were out I believe – we decided to take the barcode search out for now, simply by merging a branch that @Wayne Schneider had already had running in alpha for some time.
I merged it, but without a Jira, so there was poor tracking of this decision. Sorry about that.
Niels Erik Nielsen February 23, 2018 at 11:02 AM
Niels Erik Nielsen February 23, 2018 at 11:01 AM
The existing issue for getting barcode search back in ui-inventory is actually:
(thank you @Marc Johnson, my bad for not immediately thinking about that)
The reason being, that for performance reasons we need to take barcode out of the 'all fields' search and make it a dedicated search option on it's own.
Searching for item barcode 555
says: No results found for "555". Please check your spelling and filters.
It should find this instance that has an item with barcode 555:
This is a regression: The item barcode search did work on "folio/testing 5.0.0-20180217" but doesn't on today's folio-snapshot-stable and folio-testing installation.