search by barcode
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hideTestRail: Results

Charlotte Whitt April 5, 2018 at 8:53 PM
- thanks for you input. I know that barcode searching had serious performance issues and was rolled back as Zak wrote. I'll close this ticket as "Won't fix" and open a new ticket (as placeholder) for when the new, more performant infrastructure is in place.

Anya April 5, 2018 at 8:39 PM
it was closed - but the ICs and I were trying to search by barcode for another issue and discovered it was not working. So we searched in Jira to see if there was a ticket on it and we found this one...
Zak Burke April 5, 2018 at 8:28 PM
Barcode searching had serious performance issues and was rolled back (discussion at as well as ). We could re-open this ticket, or close it as "Won't fix" and open a new ticket when the new, more performant infrastructure is in place. I'm not sure how it wound up "in review" after all this time.

Anya April 5, 2018 at 7:35 PM
I was unable to search by barcode in inventory

Marc Keepper January 19, 2018 at 2:04 PM
Thank you for the assistance, Charlotte. Much appreciated.
Scenario (Marc unblocked 18-Jan)
Given the Search Box in the Instances app
When a search term is entered/modified
The Instances List is updated to to display only those instances and items for whom the search term matches:
Identifier (like ISBN)
Barcode (maybe Alpha or Not - if we keep ui-items around instead) requires a join
The number of results displaying above the list should update to reflect the results returned