Create Inventory settings page for HRID handling

CSP Request Details


CSP Rejection Details


CSP Approved



Purpose: To create a setting for managing Inventory HRIDs for Instances, Holdings, and Items

As a staff person
I want to be able to adjust the starting number and prefix for Inventory HRIDs that are assigned to Instances, Holdings, and Items
So that newly-assigned HRIDs are compatible with any existing ones that may be migrated from previous systems

NOTE: this is all UI for now, and will connect to backend once those stories are ready (see list at bottom of description)


  1. Scenario 1

    • Given the Settings/Inventory screen

    • When viewing the 2nd pane that shows all of the settings

    • Then add a setting in the Instances, holdings, items section called HRID handling, in alphabetical order with the existing settings in that section, as shown in the attached Inventory HRID Setting Rev.PNG

  2. Scenario 2

    • Given the HRID handling Setting

    • When a user clicks on the setting

    • Then open a third pane with the setting details, as shown in the attached Inventory HRID Setting Rev.PNG

      • Header: HRID handling

      • Save button at top right (until the Save/Cancel settings move to the bottom)

      • Main pane header: HRID handling

      • Three lines of text

        • After initial data migration, new FOLIO HRIDs are assigned sequentially, based on the starting number in these settings

        • Unless changed or removed, the default prefix will be assigned to new FOLIO HRIDs

        • HRIDs in existing FOLIO Inventory and MARC records cannot be changed

      • New section

        • Header: Inventory instances and MARC bibliographic records

        • Field label: Start with

          • Required field, so red asterisk

          • Only numbers allowed

          • 8 characters

          • Default is 00000001

        • Field label: Assign prefix

          • Optional field

          • Alpha-numeric and punctuation characters allowed

          • Maximum is 10 characters

          • Default is in

      • New section

        • Header: Inventory holdings and MARC holdings records

        • Field label: Start with

          • Required field, so red asterisk

          • Only numbers allowed

          • 8 characters

          • Default is 00000001

        • Field label: Assign prefix

          • Optional field

          • Alpha-numeric and punctuation characters allowed

          • Maximum is 10 characters

          • Default is ho

      • New section

        • Header: Inventory item records

        • Field label: Start with

          • Required field, so red asterisk

          • Only numbers allowed

          • 8 characters

          • Default is 00000001

        • Field label: Assign prefix

          • Optional field

          • Alpha-numeric and punctuation characters allowed

          • Maximum is 10 characters

          • Default is it

  3. Scenario 3

    • Given the HRID handling Setting details pane

    • When a user makes any changes to the details (so screen is "dirty")

    • Then enable the Save button (change from white to blue)

  4. Scenario 4

    • Given the HRID handling Setting details pane

    • When the user presses Save

    • Then save the changes

    • And change the save button back to white OK per devs - will change back to white once the backend is live and unmocked

    • And display the standard green Updated setting toast.PNG (see attached)

  5. Scenario 5

    • Given the HRID handling Setting details pane

    • When a user makes changes and starts to navigate away from the settings page without saving the changes

    • Then display the standard Unsaved changes modal (see attached)

  6. Scenario 6

    • Given the unsaved changes modal

    • When the user clicks Close without saving

    • Then allow them to navigate away from the settings details and do not save the changes

  7. Scenario 7

    • When the user clicks Keep editing

    • Then return them to the settings details so that they can continue editing the details

  8. Scenario 8

    • Ensure automated testing coverage for this new code is 80% plus

See attached screenshots

NOTE: Validation should be enforced on both the backend and frontend.

Additional MOD stories that are needed (A-M created drafts; MODINV being handled by Core-fxn, MODSOURMAN being handled by Folijet, MODCAT being handled by AtCult or Folijet):

  • MODSOURMAN-206: HRID handling in SRS for MARC bib records

  • MODCAT-136: HRID handling in MARCcat for MARC bib records

  • MODINV-160: HRID handling in Inventory for Instance records

  • MODSOURMAN-207: HRID handling in SRS for MARC holdings records

  • MODCAT-137: HRID handling in MARCcat for MARC holdings records

  • MODINV-161: HRID handling in Inventory for Holdings records

  • MODINV-162: HRID handling in Inventory For Item records

UIDATIMP-284: Additional UI story needed for authority record HRID setting

With Backend stories

  • MODSOURMAN-205: HRID handling in SRS for MARC authority records

  • MODCAT-135: HRID handling in MARCcat for MARC authority records



Potential Workaround



  • 17 Oct 2019, 08:27 AM
  • 27 Sep 2019, 04:41 PM
  • 25 Sep 2019, 05:48 AM
  • 25 Sep 2019, 05:44 AM



TestRail: Results



Cate Boerema November 19, 2019 at 9:46 AM

Hi . This is top priority for Matt Reno but has been slow-going. I think it makes sense to mark this at risk for Q4

Ann-Marie Breaux November 18, 2019 at 2:55 PM

Hi Any chance for the remaining MODINV stories in this feature to be handled in the current sprint? If not, I'll mark this as "at risk" for Q4. Thank you

Mariia Aloshyna October 23, 2019 at 2:32 PM

Hi Sure, I'll show it tomorrow.

Ann-Marie Breaux October 23, 2019 at 2:26 PM

Hi Tested on folio-snapshot-load. Looks good! Did we show this at standup yet? If not, maybe take a couple minutes and show it tomorrow? I know we still need to connect all the backend, but it's a nice little piece of UI that's done. I'll show it to the librarians today.


Ann-Marie Breaux October 18, 2019 at 8:15 AM

Hi I finally figured out what I did. I used too many zeroes, so I ended up with an error message. I've updated the description above, so now it's just the wording update that is needed. Thank you!





Tester Assignee


Story Points


Development Team


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created September 25, 2019 at 2:00 AM
Updated January 12, 2021 at 8:46 PM
Resolved October 23, 2019 at 2:26 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs