MARC bib > View Source > Display Version History
CSP Request Details
CSP Rejection Details
CSP Approved
Potential Workaround

Valery_Pilko 18 hours ago
Thank you, and
Confirmed, issue 1 - fixed. User with minimal permissions can see “Version history” pane.
Checked on and
See attached screenshots.
Ready for PO review.

Dmytro Melnyshyn 19 hours ago
Hey - I cannot reproduce this issue in the

Denys Bohdan 19 hours ago
Hi I think for MARC bib records, a user will need both “Inventory: View instances, holdings, and items” and “quickMARC: View MARC bibliographic record”.
First one will provice access to searching and viewing Instances, as well as viewing the version history pane
The second one will just enable them to view the View Source page.

Valery_Pilko 19 hours agoEdited
Re-tested on Eureka Sprint testing environment:
Issue 4 - Fixed.
Issue 1 - Still reproduces (Same issue reproduces for FOLIO records).
Right now, it’s not enoughs to have permissions/capabilities specified below to view “Version history” pane in “Inventory” app:
|||:Permission name for Okapi env.|:Capabilities/Sets for Eureka env. (type/table - resource - action)
|| Inventory: View instances, holdings, and items | data - UI-Inventory Instance - view
|| quickMARC: View, edit MARC bibliographic record | data - UI-Quick-Marc Quick-Marc-Editor - manage
See screenshot:
NOTE: when user has UI permission to view “Settings” >> “Version history” (Settings (Inventory): Can view and edit general settings) - “Version history” pane will be available in “Inventory” app.
See screenshots:
My assumption is:
if user has at least “quickMARC: View MARC bibliographic record” permission he must see “Version history” pane for MARC bib records
if user has at least “Inventory: View instances, holdings, and items” permission he must see “Version history” pane for FOLIO records
Hey - please review Issue 1 and clarify expectations

Valery_Pilko 2 days ago
Retested on Okapi Snapshot (because there is no updated eureka env):
Issue 1 (Permissions): Still reproduces.
Issue 2: Not an issue. Approved by PO.
Issue 3: Fixed
Issue 4: To be verified (no working ECS env now)
Issue 5: Fixed
Issue 6: Fixed


As a cataloger, I want to be able to see when myself or another staff member has made an update to the MARC bib record.
Version history pane
To the right of the Print button on the View Source page display a clock icon.
Clock icon hover text > Version history
Once clicked:
Second pane should be opened with header "Version history"
Focus should be moved onto the Version history paneheader
Print button becomes disabled
When user clicks icon then open a second pane that lists all versions and the update(s) made with each version.
Second pane header sound include a counter of the number of versions
User can close Version history pane by clicking the “X” icon
Add a “Load more” button to the bottom of the screen to load the next number of cards, based on configured settings
Once “Load more” is selected, move focus to next available card
If there are no new cards to load, do not show “Load more” button
Version history cards
Display a card for each version and display the following information. In each card:
Updated date/time stamp based on localization selection [Date], [Time]
<<User who updated Last name>>, <<User who updated First name>> (hyperlink to user record) IF value is present
Add header for "Changed" in bold
In bullets under "Changed", indicate which field was changed and whether it was added, edited, or removed:
Field [number] (Added)
Field [number] (Edited)
Field [number] (Removed)
If the contents of each line do not fit the card width, wrap to next line
If current version then display Current version
If the first version, then display Original version (no field level changes)