Khalilah Gambrell
Khalilah GambrellReporter
Ann-Marie Breaux
Ann-Marie Breaux(Deactivated)Tester Assignee
Charlotte Whitt
Charlotte WhittPriority
Development Team
Stripes Force
R2 2021
Affected Institution
MI State University/Library of Michigan
MO State
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created September 18, 2020 at 3:14 PM
Updated August 11, 2021 at 10:50 PM
Resolved June 16, 2021 at 9:54 PM
Overview: When working with instance details from a list of inventory search results, FOLIO loses focus on which record in the search results is being viewed or acted on. If trying to work through a list of records and edit them, it's really hard to keep track of where you are in the list
Steps to Reproduce:
See attached video from MSU's live environment, but it will reproduce in any environment where you can retrieve more that 50 or 100 search results - enough so that at least you have a full page of them
Issue 1: Do an instance search or filter that retrieves 100+ results
Pick one of the results in the middle of the list and view its details
Look at the search results list and find the title that whose details you just opened
Issue 2: Go to Actions/Edit in quickMARC and make some change to the MARC record underlying the Instance
Save the change, which returns you to the Instance details
Find the instance in the results list in the second pane
Expected Results:
For issue 1: when the user opens the instance details, the search result whose details they are viewing should retain focus (which it does) and be visible in the second pane (which it's not)
For issue 2: when the user saves the quickMARC change and returns to the instance detail view, the search result whose details they are viewing should retain focus and be visible in the second pane
Actual Results:
For issue 1: the relevant search result retains focus but you have to scroll down the results list in the second pane to find it. I think it's happening because the second pane repaints after the details pane opens, and since the second pane is narrower, long titles cause the records to be further down on the screen
For issue 2: the relevant record loses focus, and the second pane search results revert to the top of the search results list. If a user is trying to work through a bunch of records, they have to scroll down and find the instance where they left off, then click the next instance
Additional Information:
See attached video.
Interested parties: @Raegan Wiechert @Kruthi Vuppala @Brooks Travis @Christie Thomas @Natascha Owens