- Make the field "pickupServicePointId" optional in edge-patron when creating requests from secure patronsEDGPATRON-183
- Release module for Sunflower R1 2025EDGPATRON-181Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-181Roman Barannyk
- [TLS Eureka R bugfest] errorMessage is displayed for '/patron/{externalSystemId}' endpointEDGPATRON-180
- Update to edge-patron Java 21EDGPATRON-182Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-182Alexander Kurash
- Sensitive data in logs cleanupEDGPATRON-178
- Issues with /patron/account/{id}/hold & /patron/account/{id}/hold/{holdId} edndointsEDGPATRON-175Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-175Oleg Kurdyayev
- Cannot find the account by email - /patron/account/by-email/{emailId}EDGPATRON-173Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-173Oleg Kurdyayev
- "Unable to find patron external-patron" error displayed for /patron/account/external-patrons endpointEDGPATRON-172Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-172Oleg Kurdyayev
- 404 Not Found is displayed for '/patron/account/hold/{holdId}' endpointEDGPATRON-171Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-171Oleg Kurdyayev
- "errorMessage": "Unable to find patron hold" is displayed for 'patron/account/hold' endpointEDGPATRON-170Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-170Oleg Kurdyayev
- "Missing Access token" error when making requests to the Secure tenantEDGPATRON-169Oleg Kurdyayev
- /patron/{externalSystemId} - 404 - "errorMessage": "Staging user does not exist" error is displayed while trying to use the endpointEDGPATRON-168Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-168Oleg Kurdyayev
- PUT API call throws a 403 error when modifying staging user recordEDGPATRON-167Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-167Gurleen Kaur1
- [Locate testing] 500 error when try to create request via APIEDGPATRON-166Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-166
- [Locate testing] Recall request created instead of Hold via APIEDGPATRON-164Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-164
- Release R Bugfix (for LoC features)EDGPATRON-162Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-162Gurleen Kaur1
- Extend GET /patron/registration-status to use externalSystemIdEDGPATRON-161Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-161Gurleen Kaur1
- Add new PUT/patron API for staging userEDGPATRON-160Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-160Gurleen Kaur1
- Eureka ECS - Patron Services - "Unable to find patron 376300811x" error displayed for endpointsEDGPATRON-159Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-159Oleg Kurdyayev
- Eureka ECS - Patron Services - HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. If the issue persists, please report it to EBSCO Connect error displayed for endpointsEDGPATRON-158Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-158Alexander Kurash
- Implement secure endpoints to support congressional loansEDGPATRON-157Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-157
- Sunflower 2025 R1 - Migrate AWS SDK for Java from 1.x to 2.xEDGPATRON-156Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-156Irakli Merabishvili
- EDS places title level hold request when settings in FOLIO state holds cannot be placedEDGPATRON-155
- Expose GET /staging-users API for Kiosk registrationEDGPATRON-154Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-154Kapil Verma1
- Release edge-patron v5.2 (Ramsons R2 2024)EDGPATRON-152Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-152Irakli Merabishvili
- Create the Edge API contract for new API'sEDGPATRON-151Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-151Vignesh Kalyanasundaram
- Create or modify the exisisting save/update staging recordEDGPATRON-150Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-150Irina Pokhylets
- Check if e-mail already exists in user table with new GET endpointEDGPATRON-149Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-149Irina Pokhylets
- Add allowed-service-points item-level request endpointEDGPATRON-148Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-148Alexander Kurash
- Fallback logic for secure tenantEDGPATRON-147Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-147Alexander Kurash
- Fallback tenant logicEDGPATRON-146Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-146
- [LC API] Fix Enrolment Date field is not saving in databaseEDGPATRON-145Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-145Kapil Verma1
- Enhance the error response sections for LOC User registration APIEDGPATRON-144Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-144Kapil Verma1
- Change in User PreferredCommunication value Service to ServicesEDGPATRON-143Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-143Kapil Verma1
- Enhance the response sections for LOC User registration APIEDGPATRON-142Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-142Kapil Verma1
- Update LC user registration API contractEDGPATRON-141Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-141Adesh Singh
- Release fix for Q CSP #1EDGPATRON-140Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-140Alexander Kurash
- edge-common 4.7.1: AwsParamStore to support FIPS-approved crypto modulesEDGPATRON-139Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-139Alexander Kurash
- Update mod-patron interface version to 6.0EDGPATRON-138Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-138Roman Barannyk
- Document test steps and API payloadEDGPATRON-137Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-137Kapil Verma1
- Release edge-patron v5.1.1 (Q)EDGPATRON-136Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-136Alexander Kurash
- Get expired patron accounts from edge-patronEDGPATRON-134Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-134Adesh Singh
- Update Patron Account by email from edge-patronEDGPATRON-133Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-133Adesh Singh
- Get patron account details by email from edge-patronEDGPATRON-132Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-132Adesh Singh
- Create the POST API /patron/account for external usersEDGPATRON-131Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-131Adesh Singh
- Enhance HTTP Endpoint Security with TLS and FIPS-140-2 Compliant CryptographyEDGPATRON-130Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-130Serhii_Nosko
- Enhance WebClient TLS Configuration for Secure Connections to OKAPIEDGPATRON-129Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-129Serhii_Nosko
- Upgrade Vertx to v4.5.*EDGPATRON-128Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-128Roman Barannyk
- Module release (Quesnelia R1 2024)EDGPATRON-127Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-127Roman Barannyk
- 500 Error when patron is not allowed to request any items on a title by request policies in circulation ruleEDGPATRON-126Resolved issue: EDGPATRON-126
50 of 153
Something went wrong on our end
If this keeps happening, share this information with your admin, who should contact support.
Trace 7276cc89cc8a42408c58dc71536402dc
CSP Request Details
CSP Rejection Details
Potential Workaround
has to be started together with
Development Team
RCA Group
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Raman Auramau
made 3 changes11 minutes ago
The current vision of the workflow for *LOC Request placing for Instances and Holdings with no Items* assumes the possibility of creating a mediated (secure) request without specifying the {{pickupServicePointId}} (the specific pickupServicePointId is expected to be determined later).
This behavior should be supported both when working in the FOLIO UI and for requests made via Locate. However, in the current API specification of {{edge-patron}}and {{mod-patron}}, the field {{pickupServicePointId}} is marked as required.
Therefore, in the validation schemas for secure patron requests, the {{pickupServicePointId}} field needs to be made optional, ensuring the successful creation of mediated requests. At the same time, the behavior for regular (non-secure) requests should remain unchanged.
*Required changes:*
# *Module* {{edge-patron}} - endpoint: *POST /patron/account/instance/{instanceId}/hold* - [||smart-link]
#* Update the validation schema for requests to make the {{pickupServicePointId}} field optional for mediated (secure) requests.
#* Ensure that mediated (secure) requests can be successfully created without specifying the {{pickupServicePointId}}.
#* Maintain the current validation for regular (non-secure) requests where {{pickupServicePointId}} remains required (endpoint: *POST /patron/account/{id}/instance/{instanceId}/hold*).
# *Module* {{mod-patron}} - endpoint: *POST /patron/account/{id}/instance/{instanceId}/hold* - [||smart-link]
#* Adjust the API to support the ability to handle mediated (secure) requests without requiring {{pickupServicePointId}}.
#* Ensure successful processing and creation of mediated requests, with the expectation that {{pickupServicePointId}} can be provided later.
#* Keep existing behavior unchanged for non-secure requests, ensuring {{pickupServicePointId}} remains mandatory for them.
Please note: These changes apply *only to instance-level hold requests* and do not affect *item-level hold requests*, which remain outside the scope of this update.
This issue has to be started together with MODPATRON-228
Make the field "pickupServicePointId" optional when creating requests from secure patrons
Make the field "pickupServicePointId" optional in edge-patron when creating requests from secure patrons
Raman Auramau
made 2 changes16 hours ago
This issue relates to MODTLR-163
This issue defines UXPROD-5000
Raman Auramau
made 2 changes16 hours ago
This issue clones EDGPATRON-180
The current vision of the workflow for *LOC Request placing for Instances and Holdings with no Items* assumes the possibility of creating a mediated (secure) request without specifying the {{pickupServicePointId}} (the specific pickupServicePointId is expected to be determined later).
This behavior should be supported both when working in the FOLIO UI and for requests made via Locate. However, in the current API specification of {{edge-patron}}and {{mod-patron}}, the field {{pickupServicePointId}} is marked as required.
Therefore, in the validation schemas for secure patron requests, the {{pickupServicePointId}} field needs to be made optional, ensuring the successful creation of mediated requests. At the same time, the behavior for regular (non-secure) requests should remain unchanged.
*Required changes:*
# *Module* {{edge-patron}} - endpoint: *POST /patron/account/instance/{instanceId}/hold*
#* Update the validation schema for requests to make the {{pickupServicePointId}} field optional for mediated (secure) requests.
#* Ensure that mediated (secure) requests can be successfully created without specifying the {{pickupServicePointId}}.
#* Maintain the current validation for regular (non-secure) requests where {{pickupServicePointId}} remains required (endpoint: *POST /patron/account/{id}/instance/{instanceId}/hold*).
# *Module* {{mod-patron}} - endpoint: *POST /patron/account/{id}/instance/{instanceId}/hold*
#* Adjust the API to support the ability to handle mediated (secure) requests without requiring {{pickupServicePointId}}.
#* Ensure successful processing and creation of mediated requests, with the expectation that {{pickupServicePointId}} can be provided later.
#* Keep existing behavior unchanged for non-secure requests, ensuring {{pickupServicePointId}} remains mandatory for them.
Please note: These changes apply *only to instance-level hold requests* and do not affect *item-level hold requests*, which remain outside the scope of this update.
Raman Auramau
made 3 changes16 hours ago
eureka-bugfest_R2.2024 tls
This issue clones EDGPATRON-180
Raman Auramau
created the Issue16 hours ago