Implement "Awaiting Pickup" Item status
Potential Workaround
is blocked by
relates to
hideTestRail: Results

Tania Hewes March 23, 2018 at 2:48 PM
See also and UICHKOUT-406 for the modal needed for scenario 3

Tania Hewes January 19, 2018 at 2:55 PMEdited
I have linked a document the Resource Access SIG is using to define and document item statuses, request statuses and how they inter-relate.

Cate Boerema November 30, 2017 at 12:03 PM
Looks good, Tania. I just changed the request queue description a bit. It seems like, if we can, we should already go ahead and assume the oldest request is top of queue.
Created November 30, 2017 at 1:44 AM
Updated June 1, 2018 at 12:24 PM
Resolved March 23, 2018 at 2:48 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
To implement a status of "Awaiting Pickup" for requested items that are being held for pickup by the requester
Given a checked out item X with:
One or more active requests (currently indicated by item status "Checked out - Recalled" or "Checked out - Held")
Request Fulfillment preference for the request at the top of the request queue* = Hold shelf
When item X is checked in
Then Item X’s status should change to “Awaiting pickup”
Given item X with status of “Awaiting pickup”
When checked out to the requester
Then item X's status should change to:
"Checked out" if there are no active requests on the item
"Checked out - Recalled" if there is an active recall request on the item and it is at the top of the request queue*
Checked out – Held”: If there is an active hold request on the item and it is at the top of the request queue*
Given item X with status of “Awaiting pickup”
When checked out to a user who is NOT the requester for the request at the top of the queue*
Then a message should appear "This item is awaiting pickup by a different user"
No check out will occur
*NOTE: The "request queue" is the list of active requests for an item. Request queue management hasn’t yet been implemented so let's just assume that the oldest active request is at the top of the queue (first in first out)
NOTE: Scenario 2 may actually already be working