Modal for Checkout "awaiting pickup" message
Potential Workaround
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hideTestRail: Results

Kimie Kester July 12, 2018 at 10:08 PM
Thanks ! I appreciate it and the clarification on the bolding.

Michal Kuklis July 12, 2018 at 9:53 PMEdited
I will fix the Okay -> Close button. The bolden text is currently not supported as these errors are coming from the server right now.

Kimie Kester July 12, 2018 at 7:51 PMEdited
Hi and . We (UX/UI) were trying to establish a pattern of saying "Close" instead of "Okay" or "OK". I know it is not totally consistent yet though across the boards but if it is not too much trouble could we have an update made?
Also, I just realized, is there a reason we cannot include the bolded type and a period as shown in the UI mockup?

Anya July 12, 2018 at 7:44 PMEdited
- are you ok with the close button saying "ok" instead of "close"
see screen shot

Tania Hewes June 27, 2018 at 11:51 PM
I think "user" is sufficient, since while having a user with no name and no username may be allowed, it's bad practice and should therefore be rare.
Purpose: To implement a modal that appears when an attempt is made to check out an "Awaiting pickup" item to someone other than the requester
Given open request X for item Y with:
Request status = "Open - Awaiting pickup"
Item status = "Awaiting pickup"
When item Y is checked out to a user who is NOT the requester
Then an "awaiting pickup for another patron" modal should appear as shown in the 2-Checkout-AwaitingPickUp-Modal.png wireframe
Given an "awaiting pickup for another patron" modal
Then the following data elements should appear on the modal, as shown in the 2-Checkout-AwaitingPickUp-Modal.png wireframe:
Item barcode
Name of the checkout patron (the patron the item cannot be checked out to)
Given an "awaiting pickup for another patron" modal
Then "Close" button should display
Given an "Close" button on an "awaiting pickup for another patron" modal
When clicked
Then no check out will occur
The request status should remain "Open - Awaiting pickup"
The item status should remain "Awaiting pickup"