Implementers Topic: Enabling the deactivation of obsolete parameter values

Implementers Topic: Enabling the deactivation of obsolete parameter values

On this page, further information is given to the implementation topic #81 "Enabling the deactivation of obsolete parameter values".


At SLUB Dresden, obsolete parameter values are currently deactivated for users to avoid their use. However, the values should still be available for evaluations or administrative tasks. It is proposed that obsolete values of parameters can be deactivated in FOLIO.
It could be implemented, for example, by offering an "inactive" checkbox for each parameter value. The checkbox must be activated manually, to deactivate a value. 
Please inform André Hohmann when the topic will be discussed. 

See: Acquisitions/Resource Management implementers - #81 "Enabling the deactivation of obsolete parameter values"





There are two main scenarios regarding deactivating values of parameter lists 

  1. Existing values in FOLIO that are not used, as for example:
    • Settings / Orders / General / Acquisition methods: Approval Plan, Evidence based acquisitions (EBA), Membership, ...
    • Settings / Orders / PO number / Prefixes: As prefix, the year is applied. The prefixes of the past years should be deprecated.  
  2. Deactivated values in the currently used system, which will be migrated to FOLIO and should there also not be used 
    • This is very diverse and not foreseeable because some parameters are currently applied in functions that are not yet present in FOLIO - therefore, it seemed reasonable to leave the option to each user or institution
    • Some deactivated values will be dismissed during the migration, but some deactivated values will be needed due to consistency


  • Licenses / Terms
    • Field: Deprecated