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Allow User to Preview Batch Voucher Export Details

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Feature (TBD)


  1. We can not make corrections before submitting financial data to AP.  Is there already a JIRA for this requirement? Or could this need be meet by adding a filter for batch group and an indicator of which invoices have not yet been included in a voucher export run?  We can't rely on the LDP for this preview since we need real-time data.

Use Cases & Requirements:

RequirementStatusUse cases


We need to preview the voucher file before it runs to confirm that the invoices are set up correctly prior to submission to the university AP system - we can then make any needed corrections before submitting to AP.  Is there already a JIRA for this requirement? Or could this need be meet by adding a filter for batch group and an indicator of which invoices have not yet been included in a voucher export run?  We can't rely on the LDP for this preview since we need real-time data.


Proposed workflow:







Work Breakdown Structure:


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