A subgroup has been working on improving the TCR process and would like the TC to review a slide deck which will be used to communicate the changes we've made to others in the project (other councils, POs, etc.)
Still working on the styling of the slides, but the content is all there.
In theory this is how it should work, in practice it has not happened this way.
Craig McNally this will raise a lot of questions during the presentation.
Jeremy Huff there's nothing wrong with presentation content raising questions
Craig McNally in effect it means teams will need to engage the PC in order to kick off the process - since the process is technical in nature, it seems a little awkward.
Marc Johnson We should be more specific on the "next steps" slide.
There are already inconsistencies due to the PC's process being recently approved...
Should we present this stuff as-is and then fix the process (preferred) OR
Hold off on presenting this until we've resolved these things
Call out that the PC has just introduced a new process and that what's being presented predates that.
Marc Johnson this presentation is doing two things:
Overview of the process - needed because some feedback was that the process wasn't clear
Communicating what has changed
Marc Johnson let's be clear about this during the presentation... Why we're doing both right now (overview + changes)
Language in the scope statement about ui plugins and shared libraries was voted on and approved (7 for, 0 against). Craig McNally will update the official document and will raise awareness at the regular TC meeting. Approved text:
For Poppy, ui-plugins are out of scope for evaluation. Starting with Quesnellia, they will be in scope.
For Poppy, shared libraries are out of scope for evaluation. This decision will be revisited after the Poppy deadline has passed.
Maccabee Levine Documentation Overview - a lot of links there...
Marc Johnson Maybe keep the links, but in more of an "additional resources" slide, possibly in the appendix.
To discuss on Wednesday:
Doodle poll, timing, audience, etc.
Record the presentation and share it.l
Raise awareness of the scope statement changes approved today.