firts the table name is listed, then the data elements
for cost cluster: look at reports that deal with expenditure and costs
looking at: do we have all the data elements that we need for that report
i.e. invoive line numer total brings in total including adjustments
for many reports date ranges are needed
chat: Von Julie Brannon (Duke): Is it possible to add the material type (PO Line element)?
chat: Von Scott Stangroom similar at UMass (Five colleges) as Duke
answer: will be added
chat: Von Virginia Martin How about reporting on encumbrances?
it would be helpful to get use cases - will be provided by Virginia
at end of fiscal year there are questions like: how much man should we hold back?
with encumbrances you can run multiple years and then compare
answer questions about: what still needs to be paid for
Duke have such encumbrance reports as well
Scott: a list of reports would be helpful to get as oon as possible
Virginia and Angela will check whether those reports are already included in the existing ones
expense type should be added (acq small group is discussing this at the moment)
should be easy to report on
Dennis will ad the table this is in
encumbrances and expense type are still optional, libraries do not need to use those
Sara: reports on funds and groups would be needed
Michael: groups are still uner developed; so far you can just tag funds
at the moment Dennis is developing a hierarchy for the finance app and shared allocations, different layers of visibility
the development of a hierarchy is appreciated in the group
Kristin: what is the difference between an order line and POL
Dennis: they are the same thing
there is no description for acquisition method so far
"details" (subscription) data element on POL: information is missing; it just says details record
Dennis will follow up on that
there are still questions what data elements: "eresource" and "physical" on the POL mean
maybe this is a set of data (an array) that is associated with physical or electronic (if it is an ID)
Dennis will check
chat: Von Owen Stephens I think one of the things to remember is that this is about making sure the relevant fields are available to the LDP for reporting. Different implementations and uses of the system could result in different queries and different interpretations of fields in real-world reports
Virginia: I want to report not only on the total but on all related invoice lines
Sara: is the data itself not reflected or the invoice number, just the ID?
Sharon: there is an invoices cluster
but it could also be added to this cluster
Scott: will be considered; especially after looking at the use cases
Kristin: what is the timeframe for the information gathering phase?
Sharon: most of the reports are listed for Q2 2020
everybody who wants to share use cases or give feedback should get back to Sharon and Scott quite soon
soon they will reach out to RM SIG members for testing to see if it is working and to make adjustments if needed
as work moves forward they will touch base with RM SIG again
there are 2 important filters in ACQ JIRA concerning current discussions; actively analysed features
features to be reviewed with RM SIG
filter: needs-rmsigreview
the interface tables are moved into the ACQ wiki as well
Von Julie Brannon (Duke) an alle: 02:52 PM Is it possible to add the material type (PO Line element)? Von Virginia Martin an alle: 02:55 PM How about reporting on encumbrances? Von Scott Stangroom an alle: 02:56 PM similar at UMass (Five colleges) as Duke
Von Owen Stephens an alle: 03:13 PM Agreement Lines are attached to Purchase Order Lines
There is a separate report cluster for reports pulling on Agreement & Agreement Line data, but we’ve discussed the links to this report cluster as there is obv. a big overlap
Von Owen Stephens an alle: 03:19 PM I think one of the things to remember is that this is about making sure the relevant fields are available to the LDP for reporting. Different implementations and uses of the system could result in different queries and different interpretations of fields in real-world reports
What Scott said :) - if the POL is attached to an Agreement Line you may want to derive the resource description from there, but the resources are described via Inventory, you can go that way instead Or both if you are using a mixture