Spike goals:
- check if it is possible to define a RAML file without any endpoints just to declare traits and imports, the goal is to generate DTOs and reusable traits
- check if it is possible to extend or inherit JSON schemas. if not demonstrate how to include or wrap JSON schemas.
Let's assume we have following *raml* fileĀ
#%RAML 1.0 title: Book Library API version: v0.1 documentation: - title: Introduction content: Automated access to books - title: Licensing content: Please respect copyrights on our books. types: book: !include bookParent.json bookCollection: !include bookCollection.json errors: !include raml-util/schemas/errors.schema traits: language: !include raml-util/traits/language.raml resourceTypes: collection: !include raml-util/rtypes/collection.raml collection-item: !include raml-util/rtypes/item-collection.raml /books: description: The collection of library books type: collection: schemaCollection: bookCollection schemaItem: book exampleCollection: !include examples/bookCollection.sample exampleItem: !include examples/book.sample
The definition of the book collection looks similar to other collections used in project
{ "$schema": "", "type": "object", "description": "Collection of books", "properties": { "books": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "$ref": "bookChild.json" } }, "totalRecords": { "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "books", "totalRecords" ] }
Here, for the reference field I have used "bookChild.json" file, which is a childĀ of other json file
{ "$schema": "", "type": "object", "description": "A book parent", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "id": { "type": "string" }, "name": { "description": "The name of the book", "type": "string" }, "author": { "description": "The author of the book", "type": "string" }, "metadata": { "description": "Metadata about creation and changes, provided by the server (client should not provide)", "type": "object", "$ref": "raml-util/schemas/metadata.schema", "readonly": true } }, "required": [ "name", "author" ] } | { "$schema": "", "type": "object", "description": "A book child", "additionalProperties": true, "extends" : { "$ref" : "bookParent.json" }, "properties": { "id": { "type": "string" }, "publisher": { "description": "The publisher of the book", "type": "string" } } } |