2019-05-29 Consortia SIG Meeting Notes




Discussion items

5minHousekeeping/updatesAllNo news
10min Recent Discuss posts All 

David Dahl will post a (probably inaccurate) response



  • UXPROD feature discussions
  • discussion topics for future meetings

Topics for future weeks?

  • wrap up UXPROD-795 feature discussion
  • patron management - vision/requirements for sharing patron data across tenants
  • borrowing - getting an understanding of a holistic view of how cross-tenant resource sharing will work (topic for F2F meeting)
  • Reporting?
    • might be good to get a general update on how this is progressing; assumption is that reporting is per tenant so how do we do consortium-level reporting?
    • consortia need to see holdings across the consortium (also would be good to have this as an in-app feature of Inventory)
  • Cross-tenant user management (of staff) for permissions/access to accommodate both consortial staff and shared workflows between member libraries

Next week

  • either UXPROD-795 or patron management

Note: PC meeting tomorrow will feature results of gap analysis, which may help identify future discussion topics for our SIG

Action items
