Resource/Format working group (joint MM and RA SIG working group)

Resource/Format working group (joint MM and RA SIG working group)


Index DataLibrarian. Analyst. PO of the Inventory app.charlotte@indexdata.com
Index DataSupport Engineer and DevOpswayne@indexdata.com
NCSUAssociate Head, Acquisitions and Discovery (Monographs). Convener of the MM-SIGlkwhitte@ncsu.edu
Laura E DanielsU of Colorado, BoulderSerials Cataloging Manager (member MM SIG)


University of ChicagoHead, Data Management Servicesclthomas@uchicago.edu
Pat WiliiamsUniversity of Chicago

Head, Copy Cataloging

Deb LambCornellAccess Services (Hospitality, Labor and Business Library)


ZBW / GBVMetadata Librarian (member MM SIG)f.hemme@zbw.eu
Andrea LoigmanDukeHead, Access & Delivery Servicesandrea.loigman@duke.edu

Meeting notes:

  1. Meeting 1/31/2018 - see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zgyn9gMlZ7po5OGOMign-ISluTIqvodOBeqI3o8XeJU/edit#heading=h.8tjzzj7kaiq0
  2. Meeting 2/5/2018 - see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QrIzSgMOAMEeafXlGjVf5LjdDjqmDbB38LxHBQOddtc/edit
  3. Meeting 2/13/2018 - see : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MIigvzuQ3CjKTqdm-GNEL-K1b6X-8Au10VR5exUJDfE/edit
  4. (note) Meeting 4/23/2018 - see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P6el4E89RCIkHZUgm0H_ZxrKr4YlkdLv_p3_Jl8qVAY/edit#


Inventory Metadata Elements - see: https://wiki.folio.org/display/PLATFORM/Inventory+Metadata+Elements

MARC mapping document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kdYx63J0KoqR3-LUHuPAzERgj8WE0OQ08rzuCaJaHWs/edit#gid=952741439

Item type facets / Marc fixed fields for Resource/Format types examples spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LYQK0ZMusiMrUoD_-OR8cyvAhw5HtQILxKKmX7dGOl8/edit#gid=2061830390

Discuss post (July 2017): Resource Type in the Codex

Overview of the BIBFRAME 2.0 Model

Notes on various vocabularies that may or may not be useful (5 Feb 2018): Resource Type vs Format Type

Resource/Format/Material Type spreadsheet – please dump material types or item types your current system uses into the Material Type column: Resource_Format_MaterialType


  • make a recommendation on what data elements should exist in the Inventory "Resource type" and "Format type" fields
  • determine MARC mappings as appropriate


We expect that the working group would only need to meet 2-3 times to complete the work.

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