VZG - GBV network libraries (approx. 200 libraries - research / academic)

Background Information

FOLIO in GBV Libraries

GBV Libraries live on FOLIO:

1. ZBW Kiel / Hamburg: FOLIO-ERM plus GOKB since May 2020
2. SuUB Bremen: FOLIO-ERM since December 2020  - aiming for full implementation in 2023
3. TUB Hamburg: FOLIO-ERM plus GOKB - live 01/2022
4. Hafen City University, Hamburg: FOLIO-ERM plus GOKB - live March 24 2022
5. HAW Hamburg: FOLIO-ERM plus GOKB - live April 2022
6. UB Hildesheim: FOLIO-ERM plus GOKB - live Feb 2022 

GBV Libraries in implementation process:
1. HAWK Hildesheim: FOLIO-ERM plus GOKB 
2. GWLB Hannover
3. HS Hannover
4. MHH Hannover
5. UB Braunschweig
6. HAW Wolfenbüttel

7. ULB Halle
8. Berlin State Library – Prussian Cultural Heritage
9. Berlin, Library of the Ibero-American Institute - Prussian Cultural Heritage
10. Berlin, State Museums Libraries - Prussian Cultural Heritage
11. State and University Library Hamburg

What is the current ILS at your institution?


What is the date of your fiscal year end? Please do not include a range of your fiscal year.

Dec 31

How is your implementation team organized?

VZG FOLIO team: GBV project lead, systems librarians, technical services, developers

SIG and Sub Group participation: App Interaction (convener), Metadata Management (convener), Ressource Access (convener), ERM (convener), Acquistion, Accessability,  Consortia, SysOps, Implementers, 

Implementation planning in cooperation with our libraries of the common library network (VZG/GBV). Work with on-site teams.

Has your institution hired additional staff? How were they funded?

New staff. Currently plannings to hire additional staff. Funded by network / governmental funding

Is your institution planning to be hosted? Self-hosting? Still considering both options? Please explain.

It is and will be hosted by GBV headquarter (VZG).

Is your institution considering a partial implementation, such as the ERM first? Please explain.

ERM related apps (Agreements, Licenses, eUsage) first. Core modules like Inventory, Users and Organizations as needed. Aquisition (Orders, Invoices, Vendors etc.) as soon as they reach a point in developmente where all our needs are fulfilled.

Does your institution plan to run FOLIO in parallel with your current ILS? How long? Please explain.

Yes. As long as necessary regarding FOLIO's development.

How sure are you of the plans described above? Why or why not?

Depends on FOLIO's maturity to be used in a productive environment for our networks requirements.

Institution Documentation

Please share your implementation documentation here by either linking to it from within this section or by attaching it to this page.     - will follow.




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