Quesnelia (R1 2024): Holdings migration


MODINVSTOR-1094 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Instructions for a single-tenant environment

Step 1

Run time:

Before or after upgrade


Step 1.

Run script: 

Action script
ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  DISABLE TRIGGER audit_holdings_record;

ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  DISABLE TRIGGER set_holdings_record_md_json_trigger;

ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  DISABLE TRIGGER set_holdings_record_md_trigger;

ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  DISABLE TRIGGER set_holdings_record_ol_version_trigger;

ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  DISABLE TRIGGER set_id_in_jsonb;

ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  DISABLE TRIGGER update_holdings_record_references;

ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  DISABLE TRIGGER updatecompleteupdateddate_holdings_record_delete;

ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  DISABLE TRIGGER updatecompleteupdateddate_holdings_record_insert_update;

UPDATE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
	SET jsonb=jsonb - 'permanentLocation' - 'illPolicy' - 'holdingsItems' - 'bareHoldingsItems' - 'holdingsInstance'
    WHERE jsonb ? 'permanentLocation' 
    OR jsonb ? 'illPolicy' 
    OR jsonb ? 'holdingsItems' 
    OR jsonb ? 'bareHoldingsItems' 
    OR jsonb ? 'holdingsInstance';

ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  ENABLE TRIGGER audit_holdings_record;

ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  ENABLE TRIGGER set_holdings_record_md_json_trigger;

ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  ENABLE TRIGGER set_holdings_record_md_trigger;

ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  ENABLE TRIGGER set_holdings_record_ol_version_trigger;

ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  ENABLE TRIGGER set_id_in_jsonb;

ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  ENABLE TRIGGER update_holdings_record_references;

ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  ENABLE TRIGGER updatecompleteupdateddate_holdings_record_delete;

ALTER TABLE {tenant_name}_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
  ENABLE TRIGGER updatecompleteupdateddate_holdings_record_insert_update;

Action timing:

TBD (will be tested in scope of bugfest preparation)

Instructions for an environment with multiple tenants:


Before or after upgrade


The script implies that the current user has access to tenant schemas and to public and information_schema. To limit the script only to a part of the tenants one can uncomment conditions in the tenant selection part of the script. The update is split to id ranges to allow progress tracking.

        tenant               varchar;
        trigger              varchar;
        triggers             varchar[] default array [
        arr                  uuid[] default array [
        lower                uuid;
        cur                  uuid;
        rowcount             bigint;
        need_migration       boolean;
        holdings_table_exist boolean;
        for tenant in
            select tenantjson -> 'descriptor' ->> 'id'
            from public.tenants
            where tenantjson -> 'descriptor' ->> 'id' <> 'supertenant'
--                 and tenantjson -> 'descriptor' ->> 'id' in (
--                     'college'
--                 )
                -- apply in each tenant
                execute format($check$
                    exists(SELECT *
                       FROM information_schema.tables
                       WHERE table_schema = '%s_mod_inventory_storage'
                             AND table_name = 'holdings_record');
                    $check$, tenant)
                    into holdings_table_exist;
                if holdings_table_exist then
                        -- STEP 0 Check if migration is required
                        execute format($check$
                            exists(SELECT id
                                          from %s_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
                                          WHERE jsonb ? 'permanentLocation'
                                OR jsonb ? 'illPolicy'
                                OR jsonb ? 'holdingsItems'
                                OR jsonb ? 'bareHoldingsItems'
                                OR jsonb ? 'holdingsInstance'
                                limit 1);
                            $check$, tenant)
                            into need_migration;

                        if need_migration then
                                -- STEP 1 disable triggers
                                foreach trigger in array triggers
                                        execute 'ALTER TABLE ' || tenant || '_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record '
                                                    || 'DISABLE TRIGGER ' || trigger;
                                    end loop;

                                -- STEP 2 do updates
                                lower = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000';
                                foreach cur in array arr

                                        raise info 'range: % - %', lower, cur;
                                        -- Update scripts
                                        execute format($q$ UPDATE %s_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record
                                            SET jsonb=jsonb - 'permanentLocation' - 'illPolicy' - 'holdingsItems' - 'bareHoldingsItems' -
                                            WHERE (jsonb ? 'permanentLocation'
                                                OR jsonb ? 'illPolicy'
                                                OR jsonb ? 'holdingsItems'
                                                OR jsonb ? 'bareHoldingsItems'
                                                OR jsonb ? 'holdingsInstance')

                                                and (id > %L and id <= %L);$q$
                                                    , tenant, lower, cur);

                                        GET DIAGNOSTICS rowcount = ROW_COUNT;
                                        raise info 'updated % records', rowcount;
                                    end loop;

                                -- STEP 3 enable triggers
                                foreach trigger in array triggers
                                        execute 'ALTER TABLE ' || tenant || '_mod_inventory_storage.holdings_record '
                                                    || 'ENABLE TRIGGER ' || trigger;
                                    end loop;
                            raise info 'tenant % does not require migration', tenant;
                        end if;
                    raise info 'tenant % does not have holdings table', tenant;
                end if;

            end loop;

Action Timing:

TBD (will be tested in scope of bugfest preparation)