Firebird - Spikes / Investigations / Solutions


UXPROD-2263 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Simple MARC Record Editor (quickMARC)

UIQM-17 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UI Unit testing with Jest/Bigtest

UXPROD-137 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Move Holdings and/or Items

UIIN-1092 - Getting issue details... STATUS

DnD for Transfer/Relink Holdings and/or Items

UXPROD-1703 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Circulation log of all actions filtered by a patron and/or a item with additional filters

MODAUD-53 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Spike: user name during manual block deleting

MODOAIPMH-323 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OAI-PMH Spring migration

MDEXP-399 - Getting issue details... STATUS

MOD-DATA-EXPORT Spring migration - documentation

MODBULKED-4 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Bulk-edit file upload/download functionality approach

MDEXP-466 - Getting issue details... STATUS

PoC: two variants of Export and Input managers implementation

MODEXPW-81 - Getting issue details... STATUS

[Spike] Preview of the records before the changes are committed

MODBULKED-25 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Spike - investigate modified approach to bulk edit reversal

MODOAIPMH-464 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Spike - Improve performance of DB query with increasing Offset parameter

MODOAIPMH-454 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Spike: Make records with bad data available to the harvester

MODOAIPMH-485 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SPIKE- investigate options for improved OAI-PMH harvesting

MODOAIPMH-511 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SPIKE - improve performance of get_updated_instance_ids_view

MODOAIPMH-478 - Getting issue details... STATUS

[Spike] Investigate options for cross tenant harvesting

MODOAIPMH-498 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SPIKE: provide data about deleted inventory instances during the harvest

MDEXP-594 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Spike - investigate options for improving data export performance
MODBULKOPS-212 - Getting issue details... STATUS SPIKE - Investigate performance improvements