02 Allgemeine Informationen (Bestellversand) - Funktionsanalyse

Auf dieser Seite werden die Allgemeine Informationen (Bestellversand) beschrieben.


Übersicht und Status











Proposal UB Leipzig and SLUB Dresden

Initial proposal on claims for monographs

OUTDATED Proposals on sending orders - version 2 (Google Präsentation)
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1y3f4gXkmv_qoZ25otHPuN4JG2Rop9cxu25QttglFKuA/edit#slide=id.g13f884716d0_0_75 - Slides 05-06

General Description additional functions

  • It is proposed to enable a batch functionality for creating/sending orders - beyond EDI
  • The batch is initiated by a schedule, which is defined in the App Organisations for each sending method - according to EDI
  • The batch consists of the following methods, which are configured in the "Integration details" in the App Organisations 
    See: /wiki/spaces/~hohmann/pages/3572355
    • method E-mail: 
      • An individually defined e-mail text is created
      • The order information is created as text according to the configuration and the defined layout
      • An e-mail is created and sent
        See: /wiki/spaces/~hohmann/pages/3572421
    • method Postal:
      • The orders are created as PDF file according to to the configuration and the defined layout
      • The PDF files are saved in a specific directory/folder
        See: /wiki/spaces/~hohmann/pages/3572385
    • method EDI
      • The orders are sent via EDI
  • For an efficient configuration, it should be possible to define default-configurations according to “Order templates”
  • After the batch is finished, the checkbox “Sent” is activated in the order, when it was successfully sent or saved
  • If an order could not be sent, the checkbox “Sent” is not activated in the order and one of the following information messages should occur: 
    • When no e-mail address is available in the vendor information, the order is not send and an information message occurs:
      One or more orders could not be send because of missing e-mail address
    • When no sending order method is assigned, the order is not send and an information message occurs:
      One or more orders could not be send because of missing sending order method
  • The concerned orders are then identifiable, and can be corrected or adjusted
    • DISCUSSION: A sending error log could be be implemented
      • It must be decided, if this is a FOLIO-function, a server-function or another function
      • It must be decided, if this is a order-specific function or a general FOLIO-function