03 Mahneinstellungen (Zeitschriftenverwaltung) - Funktionsanalyse

Auf dieser Seite werden die Mahneinstellungen der Zeitschriftenverwaltung beschrieben.


Proposal UB Leipzig and SLUB Dresden

Initial proposal on claims for monographs

Proposals on periodicals and subscriptions - extended version (Google-Präsentation)
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kYU3yR00QgIjPTm6lIhRg4R-dLOSg02GLRFJdCi7x-g/edit#slide=id.g118aa0e053b_0_85 - Slides 18-21


  • Description:
    • There is no functionality in Folio to manage the claiming dates of periodical.
  • Proposals:
    • The claiming settings should be located in the settings of the app Order.
  • Example - no claim
  • Example - daily

General description

  • Description:
    • In the settings of the Order app, it should be possible to manage the claiming settings for subscriptions according to their issuance.
    • In each claiming setting it should be possible to define the amount of the claiming periods and the duration of each claim number.
    • It should be possible to activate and to deactivate each claiming setting. 

Claiming periods

  • The claiming intervals depend on the publication frequency of the periodicals. Therefore, it must be possible to set the claiming intervals in the settings. 
    • claiming active
      • if the checkbox if active, a claiming is conducted
    • Claim number
      • There are several intervals of claimings. It should be possible to set the interval per days. 
      • The longer the publication interval (daily, weekly, monthly, ...) the longer the interval of claiming.