FOLIO Implementers SIG

Please Note:

This wiki space is being retired and moved to a new wiki space here: Implementers SIG


Wiki sub-sections

Planned MVP Implementations*

The following institutions are committed to implementing the FOLIO MVP as outlined in the FOLIO MVP Strategy Statement.

*planned for 2020

Primary institution members**

NameRole in GroupAffiliationSkill Set
Primary Institution Member*Duke University
Primary Institution Member*Five Colleges
Primary Institution Member*Fenway Libraries Organization (FLO)
Primary Institution Member*Cornell University
Primary Institution Member*GBV
Primary Institution Member*Lehigh University
Primary Institution Member*Leipzig University
Sys Ops & Mgt SIG/Data Migration Sub-Group Liaison, Primary Institution Member*University of Chicago
Primary Institution Member*hbz
Primary Institution Member*Chalmers
Convener, Primary Institution Member*Texas A&M
Primary Institution Member*University of Alabama
Primary Institution Member*Missouri State University

**each institution has selected one Primary Institution Member whose schedule must be accommodated when scheduling the meeting time.  If an institution joins the group after it has been formed, it may not be possible to accommodate the selected Primary Institution Member.  Everyone is welcome, but unfortunately the meeting time may not work for all.

Other group members***

NameRole in GroupAffiliationSkill Set




SysOps & Mgmt Convener, Supporting Tod & Steven as Liaison, Supporting Maike as hbz representativehbzDeployment, Data Migration
Index Data project manager and business analyst; supporting FLO migrationIndex DataLibrary business processes, workflow analysis, project planning
AtCult, Italy. Project manager and business analyst; supporting Florence implementationAtCultMigration, implementation, project planning
twliuPO of Folio China
Project management, data and metadata, analysis

***please add your name to this list only if you attend the meetings regularly--working-group members are identified on the wiki page of the working-group, not here.

Recent space activity

Space contributors