Community Council

Charter: To foster a healthy, productive community ecosystem, policy, and collaboration for the FOLIO project.

See the FOLIO Governance Model for more detail for what was developed and who worked on it originally.

Community Council Members:

Current co-chairs: Mike Gorrell and Simeon Warner

July 2023 - June 2025 terms

July 2024 - July 2026 terms

FOLIO Council Elections

Membership Levels and Current Member Organizations


About us

The Community Council has two key roles. First, to ensure the community is strong and healthy, which can include recruiting, marketing and many external facing activities. Second, this council is responsible for the smooth operation of community activities, including coordinating with other councils, and ensuring the community is collaborative and inclusive.

The Community Council is one of three that govern FOLIO activities.  The other two are the Product Council the Technical Council.

Communication Channels

Community Council Meetings

The Community Council meets via Zoom on the second and fourth Monday of every month at 10:00 am Eastern U.S. time (see time in your timezone).  For more details, see the Community Council Meetings page.

Community Council Convener

For more information about the Community Council, contact one of the co-conveners, Mike Gorrell and Simeon Warner .