v1 Survey: RM SIG members have received the survey. Some have already completed it and others are in the process of finishing it up.
ER&L: Rachel started an email thread to discuss presentation ideas for ER&L. One idea currently on the table is a presentation about workflow/productivity tools. Other ideas are welcome.
Working groups
Two small working groups will be set up to address issues in acquisition and inventory
Peter McCracken will lead the acquisitions group
John Ballestro and Martina Tumulla will lead the inventory group
Neither group has met yet
Kathyrn and Filip are doing some preliminary work on inventory
Filip woud like RM SIG members and other interested parties to continue to watch the workflow demo and add comments to the Discuss post.
People can find the Discuss post by using the direct link or navigating to ux.folio.org, navigating to the workflow prototype, and clicking the "Comment" button at the bottom of the screen.
Filip also asked the group for feedback on a possible change to the design of the workflows. Currently, the the prototype includes widgets that allow people to specify the population of fields on different record types with certain values. Filip proposed reused the edit UIs for records to facilitate the definition of values that should be added or changed as part of a workflow.
Reuse of this UI will save development time and also be more intuitive
Initial feedback indicated that this approach would work.
Use of Discuss
A couple group members requested an overview of the Discuss site, how to navigate it, and how to respond to various types of posts.
Peter Murray did a brief walk through
Peter encouraged members of the RM SIG to use the notification widget at the top right-hand corner of the screen to choose topics and tags to watch. By watching a topic or tag, users will get email notifications of new activity.
Questions came up about posts in languages other than English.
Most of these are translations of Filip's UX walkthroughs.
Volunteers who speak other languages will be translating and monitoring these posts. They can share any feedback with the SIG.
All of Filip's posts should be tagged with the language they're in.
Users can mute a language tag to filter these types of posts out of their update feeds
Filip also described his tagging system for UX posts
"uxi-iteration" - this tag notes that a post is part of Filip's UX prototype demos at the most general level
"uxi-[prototype name]" - this tag identifies the specific prototype being demoed, e.g., uxi-workflows
"uxi-[number]-[prototypename]" - this tag identifies the prototype being demoed and the iteration number, e.g., uxi-3-workflows
Users can follow or mute these tags to customize their notifications
Posts are also groups into categories.
These are higher level groupings, such as RM or MM
Currently, a post can only have one category
This is a problem when a post – like the workflows post – applies to more than one SIG or category
There were also questions about short, vague posts
The group members weren't sure how to respond to these, as they didn't contain much info
We may need to great some better guidelines for Discuss posts, specifying that they should contain a prototype, video, set of questions, etc. – basically something concrete to respond to.
Kristin Martin will take this conversation back to the Product Council. That group may be able to help establish some guidelines for better use of Discuss.
Peter will also make a new Discuss walkthrough video for training.